
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "lindy d sobie o", znaleziono 67

Linda cz. 1
Linda cz. 1
Leif GW Persson
Cykl: Evert Bäckström, tom 1
Seria: Czarna Seria Kolekcjonerska

W małym szwedzkim miasteczku letnią sielankę przerywa wieść o brutalnym morderstwie młodej kobiety. Choć na miejscu zdarzenia znaleziono wiele śladów, do rozwiązania nie prowadzi żaden trop. Bezradni ...

Linda cz. 2
Linda cz. 2
Leif GW Persson
Seria: Czarna Seria Kolekcjonerska

W małym szwedzkim miasteczku letnią sielankę przerywa wieść o brutalnym morderstwie młodej kobiety. Choć na miejscu zdarzenia znaleziono wiele śladów, do rozwiązania nie prowadzi żaden trop. Bezradni ...

Love Line. Tom 2
Love Line. Tom 2
Nina Reichter
Cykl: Love line, tom 2

Gdy spotkasz kogoś, w kim mógłbyś się zakochać, wiesz o tym od razu. Matthew Hansen – przystojny młody psycholog – doradza kobietom, jak zbudować satysfakcjonujący je związek i nie pozwolić sobą manip...

Akademia on-line. Tom 2
Akademia on-line. Tom 2
Agnieszka Wierzbicka

Książka jest przeglądem teorii i praktyki nauczania na odległość. Wielość tekstów odzwierciedla zarówno problemy, jak i propozycje tej nowej formy nauczania. Większość z nich napisana jest przez prakt...

Briggs Land. Samotna walka. Tom 2
Briggs Land. Samotna walka. Tom 2
Cykl: Briggs Land, tom 2

Terytorium Briggsów to siedziba największego i najtajniejszego antyrządowego ruchu secesjonistycznego w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Miało być bezpieczną przystanią dla każdego, kto chciał wieść proste, spo...

Briggs Land. Tom 1. Kobieca ręka
Briggs Land. Tom 1. Kobieca ręka
Brian Wood, Mack Chater
Cykl: Briggs Land, tom 1

Terytorium Briggsów to siedziba największego i najtajniejszego antyrządowego ruchu secesjonistycznego w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Miało być bezpieczną przystanią dla każdego, kto chciał wieść proste, spo...

Bitwa pod Lundem 4 XII 1676. Bitwa, która była zbrodnią
Bitwa pod Lundem 4 XII 1676. Bitwa, która była zbrodnią
Wahloo Claes, Goran Larsson
Seria: Pola Bitew

Duńczycy przeprowadzili swój pierwszy atak w sposób, który odbiegał trochę od typowego ataku czołowego. Postanowiono bowiem zaatakować lewą flankę Szwedów manewrem oskrzydlającym. Celem tego manewru b...

Leading Starts in the Mind A Humanistic View of Leadership
Leading Starts in the Mind A Humanistic View of Leadership
M. El-Meligi

This book offers a refreshing view of leadership as a psycho-social phenomenon. Attention is drawn to the conceptual muddle which underlies much of managerial practices, particularly in the selection ...

Polin A Land of Forests and Rivers. Images of Poland and Poles in Contemporary Hebrew Literature i
Polin A Land of Forests and Rivers. Images of Poland and Poles in Contemporary Hebrew Literature i
Ronen Shoshana

Praca prezentuje obraz Polski i Polaków w hebrajskojęzycznej literaturze Izraela ostatnich kilkudziesięciu lat, ma charakter analityczno-opisowy. Szczególne miejsce przypada tzw. literaturze drugiej g...

To Find a Mate
To Find a Mate
Camryn Rhys, Krystal Shannan

He's nursing a broken heart, and he's her first love... she just needs to tell him... Everyone in Adam VonBrandt's world seems to have found their mate. Except him. With several families of wolves in...

Batman- No Man's Land Vol.1
Batman- No Man's Land Vol.1
Alex Maleev, Devin Grayson, Bob Gale, Dale Eaglesham
Cykl: Batman- Ziemia Niczyja, tom 1

Fans of Batman are lucky to get Greg Rucka--the talented, gritty young author of Keeper and Finder, among others--sharing time with their favorite licensed character in this novelization of DC's compl...

Batman- No Man's Land Vol. 2
Batman- No Man's Land Vol. 2
Dennis O'Neil, Guy Davis, Greg Rucka, Ian Edginton ...
Cykl: Batman- Ziemia Niczyja, tom 2

GOTHAM CITY: a dark, twisted re ection of urban America. Overcrowded, overbuilt, and overshadowed by a continuous air of menace, this gothic nightmare is a breeding ground for the depraved, the indiff...

Batman No Man's Land Vol.3
Batman No Man's Land Vol.3
Greg Rucka, Dan Jurgens, Mike Deodato Jr., Rick Burchett ...
Cykl: Batman- Ziemia Niczyja, tom 3

GOTHAM CITY: a dark, twisted reflection of urban America. Overcrowded, overbuilt, and overshadowed by a continuous air of menace, this gothic nightmare is a breeding ground for the depraved, the indi...

Batman No Man's Land Vol. 4
Batman No Man's Land Vol. 4
Greg Rucka, Mike Deodato Jr., Rick Burchett, Chuck Dixon ...
Cykl: Batman- Ziemia Niczyja, tom 4

GOTHAM CITY: a dark, twisted reflection of urban America. Overcrowded, overbuilt, and overshadowed by a continuous air of menace, this gothic nightmare is a breeding ground for the depraved, the indi...

Batman- No Man's Land Vol.5
Batman- No Man's Land Vol.5
Greg Rucka, Devin Grayson, Greg Land, Dale Eaglesham ...
Cykl: Batman- Ziemia Niczyja, tom 5

GOTHAM CITY: a dark, twisted re ection of urban America. Overcrowded, overbuilt, and overshadowed by a continuous air of menace, this gothic nightmare is a breeding ground for the depraved, the indiff...

Kind des Blitzes #1
Kind des Blitzes #1
Didier Poli, Manuel Bichebois
Cykl: Dziecko burzy, tom 1

Batman- Road To No Man's Land Vol.2
Batman- Road To No Man's Land Vol.2
Dennis O'Neil
Cykl: Batman- Road To No Man''s Land, tom 2

A devastating earthquake has left Gotham City in ruins, and the government is getting close to completely cutting it off from the rest of civilization. But there's one man who's vowed to save Gotham f...

Sleeper Vol.3- A Crooked Line
Sleeper Vol.3- A Crooked Line
Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips
Cykl: Sleeper, tom 3

Holden Carver was a superpowered doubleagent working for John Lynch,the world's most calculating spymaster, until he was left out in the cold for nearly a year. Running from his own people, and living...

Eye-Pleasing Mind-Teasing 3-D Conundrums
Eye-Pleasing Mind-Teasing 3-D Conundrums

Are you looking for a different type of optical puzzle to challenge you? Something that will perplex even you, the perceptive puzzler, even though you think you have seen and solved every mind-boggler...

A Cold Mind
A Cold Mind
David L. Lindsey
Cykl: Stuart Haydon, tom 1

My Blind Date is a Vampire
My Blind Date is a Vampire
Daphne Bloom
Cykl: Love is Blind, tom 1

Magic. Mayhem. And a little romance. Nursing a broken heart, Julia takes a job far away from home in the little town of Mystic Cove. She has no interest in dating, at least for a while, but the ecce...

The Punisher Vol. 2: End Of The Line
The Punisher Vol. 2: End Of The Line
Steve Dillon, Becky Cloonan
Cykl: The Punisher, tom 2

You can't keep Frank Castle buried for long. And the Punisher's mission to bring down a super-powered drug ring is about to reach new heights. As his quest sends him deep into the woods of the Northea...

How to find love in a book shop
How to find love in a book shop
Veronica Henry

Emilia has just returned to her idyllic Cotswold hometown to rescue the family business. Nightingale Books is a dream come true for book-lovers, but the best stories aren't just within the pages of t...

Jordan a Timeless Land
Jordan a Timeless Land
Christa Paula

Jordan is a young country, but the land it occupies is ancient - the Jordan River has for millennia been flowing through the veins of the world's three great religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam...

Harmonic Mind v 1
Harmonic Mind v 1
M. Smolensky

An integrated connectionist/symbolic architecture of the mind/brain, applied to neural/genomic realisation of grammar; aequisition, processing, and typology in phonology and syntax; and foundations of...

Line Upon a Wind
Line Upon a Wind
N. Mostert

An exhaustive look at the epic sea battles that constituted the first truly world war. Mostert (Frontiers: The Epic of South Africa's Creation and the Tragedy of the Xhosa Peo, 1992, etc.) provides a ...

Harmonic Mind v 2
Harmonic Mind v 2
M. Smolensky

An integrated connectionist/symbolic architecture of the mind/brain, applied to neural/genomic realisation of grammar; aequisition, processing, and typology in phonology and syntax; and foundations of...

Galicia A Multicultured Land
Galicia A Multicultured Land
C. Hann

Habsburg Galicia was an area in central Europe covering territory presently occupied by Poland and Ukraine that was distinctive for its multi-ethnic character. With the unraveling of the Austro-Hungar...

A Kind of Truth
A Kind of Truth
Lane Hayes
Cykl: A Kind of Stories, tom 1

Rand O’Malley dreams of superstardom. He hopes to one day sing the blues like a rock god. Moving to New York City and hiring a new manager are steps to make his dreams a reality. But nothing moves as ...

A Kind of Romance
A Kind of Romance
Lane Hayes
Cykl: A Kind of Stories, tom 2

Zeke Gulden is a ruthless Wall Street exec. His hard-edged, no-nonsense attitude has served him well in the cutthroat business world, but less so in his personal life. When he finds out his ex-boyfrie...

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