,,Steps to happy life. Czyli moja mow@ duszy” to tomik 23 wierszy Agnieszki Danuty Grzękowicz. Autorka pochodzi z Siemianowic Śląskich, ale mieszka w Anglii. Jak sama pisze o sobie: ,,Obywatelka świat...
Obszerna (ponad 280 stron) udokumentowana zdjęciami biografia muzyka zespołu KORN, basisty Fieldiego. Muzyk opisuje swoje życie, począwszy od dzieciństwa, poprzez wiek młodzieńczy, do osiągnięcia su...
Step into any gym in America, mention the name Bill Phillips, and watch the faces light up with recognition and respect. These include: Hundreds of thousands of men and women who turn to Phillips's mo...
Aims to help those of us whose familiarity with our own bodies is surprisingly sketchy. Where is your spleen and what does it do? What is the thyroid? Nuland answers such questions as these, explainin...
New from New York Times bestselling author Bill Phillips comes Body-for-Life Success Journal. With over three million copies sold and after more than three years on bestseller lists, Body-for-Life is ...
Overcome shame and stigma; and bring a newly felt sense of safety, awareness, and life to your body. If you’ve experienced rape, sexual abuse, molestation, or sexual trauma, you may feel as if you...