
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "lnie daniel", znaleziono 4

La dance macabre
La dance macabre
Marcin "(1986)" Szewczyk
Seria: Seria ze Zicherkōm

Rok 1928. Niymiecko-polsko granica. Szmugel, narkotyki, zbrodnie. Prywatny detektyw Herman Fox, znany z debiutanckiego "Silesia Noir" Marcina Szewczyka, durch tropi zbrodnie miyndzy Rybnikym a Racibo...

Write Dance in the Nursery
Write Dance in the Nursery
R. Oussoren

Write Dance is an innovative and exciting programme, widely used across Europe as a way of introducing handwriting, using music, movement and exercise. It has been found especially helpful for childre...

An Introduction to Community Dance Practice
An Introduction to Community Dance Practice
D. Amans

This introductory textbook is aimed at undergraduates studying community dance. Drawing on high profile contributors, the book is packed with case studies, interviews and examples that students can us...

Foot and Ankle Injuries in Dance An Issue of Clinics
Foot and Ankle Injuries in Dance An Issue of Clinics
John G. Kennedy

Ballet is an exquisitely sophisticated and elegant art form. However its seeming ease and gracefulness belie the underlying physical stress. Much of a dancer's ability is reliant on favorable anatomy,...

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