Masterpieces under the microscopeFrom the Ancient Greeks to the Modernists: paintings' hidden secretsrevealed"Amazingly informative and readable... An important addition to art historyliterature." - T...
The desire to have a home of one's own is still the leading motivation for those who wish to construct or purchase buildings. Row and twin houses and ribbon developments constitute an affordable alter...
In this volume, the authors explore 27 famous paintings.
Myron Bolitar próbuje uciec przed wyrzutami sumieniami… i znów pakuje się w kłopoty. Tym razem stając murem za przyjaciółką. Karaibska wysepka nie jest dla Myrona Bolitara kawałkiem raju na zie...
Bruegel. Zbliżenia to album przedstawiający najbardziej znane obrazy, rysunki i ryciny Pietera Bruegla (1525 a 1530-1569), a zwłaszcza ich wyjątkowe detale, świadczące o mistrzostwie tego artysty. ...
Kolejny tom wyjątkowej serii Zbliżenia, przedstawiającej detale arcydzieł malarstwa i przybliżającej często nieznane dotychczas historie stojące za wybitnymi obrazami i ich twórcami. Autor, znakomity...
W kolejnym tomie cieszących się dużą popularnością Zbliżeń przyglądamy się Vermeerowi – malarzowi bardzo znanemu, a jednocześnie ciągle nieodgadnionemu. Gary Schwartz, autor rozbudowanych komentarzy ...
Albumik to zmniejszona wersja dużego albumu fotograficznego tych samych autorów, o tej samej nazwie. Tym razem rzeźby, detale architektoniczne i inne drobne materialne ślady historii stały się preteks...
22 listopada 1963 roku w Dallas zginął John F. Kennedy. Powszechna żałoba, jaka zapanowała w Stanach Zjednoczonych po tragicznej śmierci prezydenta, nie znalazła ukojenia w fakcie, że – jak głosił ofi...
This book is a collection of detailed studies of recent construction projects that will help all architects learn and expand the possibilities of their own work. Projects have been selected for their ...
The book examines 100 works of art down the ages, from Giotto?s 14th-century fresco Adoration of the Magi, to a 21st-century landscape painting by David Hockney. It approaches each work as part of a t...
This series examines the role of details in architecture through the work of practitioners whose designs speak sensitively and energetically at the small scale. The collection presents these details i...
This is the first book to give such close attention to Le Corbusier's approach to the making of buildings. It illustrates the ways in which Le Corbusier's details were expressive of his overall philos...
From camisoles to corsets, basques to boudoir caps and girdles to garters,"Underwear: Fashion in Detail" gets up close and personal with some of themost intimate items in the V&A. Lynn traces the evol...
Detail in Contemporary Kitchen Design" features over 30 kitchen designs from around the world, each created by a notable architect for a specific residence. Arranged into chapters according to the dom...
This book examines about 30 bathroom designs from around the world, each one designed by a notable architect and created especially for a specific residence. For each bathroom there is an image of the...
Architectural detailing makes a building unique, and an architect outstanding. "Detail in Contemporary Residential Architecture" provides analysis of both the technical and the aesthetic importance of...
This book captures the richness of nineteenth-century fashion. As part ofthe V&A Fashion in Detail series, the opulence and diversity of clothingin the period are captured through exquisite colour pho...
WORLD DRESS FASHION IN DETAIL Słynne zbiory muzeum ukazane wszczegółowym opracowaniu. Album jest częścią serii Fashion in Detailprezentującej detale ubioru od Indonezji po Tybet, Indie, Koreę i Iran. ...
This glamorous book, part of the V&A Fashion in Detail series, illustratesthe intricate details of twentieth-century fashion. Spectacularphotographs, accompanied by expert commentaries and specially c...
This comprehensive reference work contains scale drawings of every type ofdetailing used in contemporary residential architecture.Each section contains at least 50 drawings drawn to a set range of sca...
Villa Mairea is one of the finest houses of the twentieth century. For those familiar with it from only a few images, this book is a revelation. Alvar Aalto used his knowledge of vernacular building,...
SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY FASHION IN DETAIL Tenwyjątkowy album prezentuje detale siedemnasto- i osiemnastowiecznychstrojów kolekcji V&A. Tekst, kolorowe fotografie i rysunki dają możliwośćszc...
Praise for Detail Process Charting "A must-read for any competitive organization, Detail Process Charting: Speaking the Language of Process provides a comprehensive, yet clear, explanation of how to u...