Czym jest Junior? Jest negacją życiowego racjonalizmu. Jest antidotum na wszystko, co przyziemne. Jest wyrafinowaną kontrą dla czczej paplaniny o karierze, gwiazdach, pieniądzach, a także parodią ps...
If you are looking for a straightforward, practical, no-nonsense guide to scriptwriting that will hold your hand right the way through the process, read on! The Raindance Writers? Lab guides you throu...
This best-selling, restructured laboratory manual now includes an entirely new interactive website built specifically for the A&P lab course. For the first time, includes Practice Anatomy ...
Designed for use with any A&P textbook, this best-selling laboratory manual features a wide variety of exercises and activities to meet the needs of any anatomy & physiology laboratory course. Known f...