Jest to pierwsza tego typu publikacja, która w tak obszerny sposób prezentuje ponad 300 świątyń, klasztorów, domów modlitwy i kalwarii znajdujących się na terenie całej Polski. Poza kościołami, które ...
Bright Ideas is a high-voltage practical guide to professional lighting solutions for your home. Featuring inspiring work and advice from top international lighting designers, Bright Ideas will enable...
In the dry heat of an August morning Gaius Valerius Verrens wakes filthy and bearded and prepares for his last day on earth. Wrongly accused by enemies on his own side, Valerius is destined to die a c...
The 2003 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Symposium was dedicated to examining what has been learned from the human genome sequence. These contributions from leaders in the field cover genome structure a...
This volume examines the period from Rome's earliest involvement in the eastern Mediterranean to the establishment of Roman geopolitical dominance over all the Greek states from the Adriatic Sea to S...
Depuis l'évasion spectaculaire de la famille royale, la France se déchire, en proie à la guerre civile. Marie-Antoinette, régente du royaume après la mort de Louis XVI, parvient à mener au combat une ...