
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "mamy donau", znaleziono 2

Ulf Meyer zu Kueingdorf

In this exquisite collection of portraits of both famous and unknown people, photographer Donata Wenders reveals her talent for capturing the extraordinary within the everyday. Although she spent man...

Eine winterliche Reise zu den Flüssen Donau, Save, Morawa und Drina oder Gerechtigkeit für Serbien
Eine winterliche Reise zu den Flüssen Donau, Save, Morawa und Drina oder Gerechtigkeit für Serbien
Peter Handke

In Europe, where it has been seen as pro-Serbian, journalist Peter Handke's meditative essay on ethnic conflict in the former Yugoslavia has been stirring up a great deal of controversy. But Handke, a...

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