
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "master do art", znaleziono 6

Indywidualny program MBA
2 wydania
Indywidualny program MBA
Josh Kaufman

Aby nauczyć się prowadzenia firmy albo pozyskać nowe kompetencje zawodowe, nie trzeba kończyć specjalistycznych studiów biznesowych. Zdecydowana większość współczesnych ludzi biznesu opiera się w swo...

Who Are We? Microbes the Puppet Masters!
Who Are We? Microbes the Puppet Masters!
Y. Lee

Our genome is littered with scraps of DNA, termed "junk" DNAs, that serve no apparent purpose. Junk DNAs make up as much as 98.5% of our genome. Scientists believe that some junk DNAs came into existe...

Digital Art Masters
2 wydania
Digital Art Masters

Volume 1 & 2' of 3DTotal's book series, featured some of the best 3d & 2d artwork from such artists as Marek Denco, James Busby , Natascha Roeoesli, Philip Straub, Rob Chang, Jonny Duddle, Benita Winc...

Masters Art Quilts
Masters Art Quilts
M. Sielman

Art quilts have long since moved from covering beds to hanging on walls, and this collection of 40 artists' works, gathered and introduced by Sielman—executive director of Studio Art Quilts Associates...

Digital Art Masters v4
Digital Art Masters v4

Meet some of the finest 2D and 3D artists working in the industry today and discover how they create some of the most innovative digital art in the world. More than a gallery book or a coffee table bo...

Digital Art Masters v 2
Digital Art Masters v 2

Meet some of the finest digital 2D and 3D artists working in the industry today, from Patrick Beaulieu, Philip Straub, Benita Winckler, Alessandro Baldasseroni to Khalid Al Muharraqi, Marcel Baumann a...

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