Ósmy tom przygód Spider-Mana ze scenariuszami Nicka Spencera wydanych w kolekcji Marvel Fresh. Spider-Man nie może być w czterech miejscach naraz... A może jednak?! Życie Petera Parkera jest, jak zwy...
A novel set in wartime Liverpool, powerfully evoking the city and its experience of the Blitz, with a story of love found and lost at its centre. Quinn is the film critic for "The Independent" and win...
One of the breakout hits from DC Comics – The New 52! In these tales from issues #1-6 of the new series, Buddy Baker has gone from "super" man to family man – but is he strong enough to hold his famil...
The first comprehensive history of the 1921 Cairo Conference which reveals its enduring impact on the modern Middle East Called by Winston Churchill in 1921, the Cairo Conference set out to redraw th...