Polly Barnes jest pielęgniarką z powołania. Każdemu ze swoich podopiecznych potrafi okazać dużo ciepła i zrozumienia. Czy jednak zdoła pomóc swemu ukochanemu przełamać jego nieufność wobec kobiet?
Divided into five major parts, the two volumes of this ready reference cover the tailoring of theoretical methods for biochemical computations, as well as the many kinds of biomolecules, reaction and ...
After studying architecture at Cornell University, Matta-Clark developed more interest in buildings about to be destroyed than in the ones about to be built, as most architects would. He first forced ...
After studying architecture at Cornell University, Matta-Clark developed more interest in buildings about to be destroyed than in the ones about to be built, as most architects would. He first forced ...
Known for - and even overshadowed by - his brutal and spectacular building cuts, Gordon Matta-Clark's oeuvre is unique in the history of American art. He worked in the 1970s on the boarders between ar...