
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "mi o chain", znaleziono 52

Markov Chain Monte Carlo Innovations & Applications
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Innovations & Applications
W. Kendall

Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) originated in statistical physics, but has spilled over into various application areas, leading to a corresponding variety of techniques and methods. That variety stimu...

Strategic Closed-loop Supply Chain Management
Strategic Closed-loop Supply Chain Management
B. Lebreton

Closed loops depict supply chains for which Original Equipment Manufacturer reintegrate their returned products into their own production network. While the reverse logistics research has extensively ...

Supply Chain Management With APO 2e
Supply Chain Management With APO 2e
J. Dickersbach

The Advanced Planner and Optimiser (APO) is the software from SAP dedicated to supply chain management. This book provides an overview about the supported SCM processes and explains how to implement A...

Threats to Food and Water Chain Infrastructure
Threats to Food and Water Chain Infrastructure
V. Koukouliou

The malicious contamination of food and water supplies for terrorist purposes is a real and current threat: deliberate contamination at one location could have severe global public health, trade and c...

Best Practices in Logistics and Supply Chain Managment The Case of Poland
Best Practices in Logistics and Supply Chain Managment The Case of Poland
Krzysztof Rutkowski

The forces of giobalisation, technology and competition continue to redefine markets making it harder than ever for managers to rely on traditional con-cepts, approaches, techniques, methods or proces...

Łańcuch ze złota
3 wydania
Łańcuch ze złota
Cassandra Clare
Cykle: Ostatnie godziny, tom 1, The Last Hours, tom 1
Seria: Ze Świata Nocnych Łowców

Miłość rani głębiej niż jakiekolwiek ostrze Cordelia Carstairs jest Nocną Łowczynią, wojowniczką trenującą od dzieciństwa walkę z demonami. Kiedy przyjeżdża do Londynu, ponownie spotyka przyjaciół z...

Łańcuch z żelaza
3 wydania
Łańcuch z żelaza
Cassandra Clare
Cykle: Ostatnie godziny, tom 2, The Last Hours, tom 2

Sekrety niszczą nawet najprawdziwszą miłość Cordelia Carstairs ma pozornie wszystko, czego chciała. Jest zaręczona z Jamesem Herondale’em, chłopcem, którego kochała od dziecka. Wiedzie nowe życie w L...

Łańcuch z cierni
2 wydania
Łańcuch z cierni
Cassandra Clare
Cykl: Ostatnie godziny, tom 3
Seria: Ze Świata Nocnych Łowców

Cordelia Carstairs straciła wszystko, co było dla niej ważne. W ciągu zaledwie kilku tygodni zamordowano jej ojca, uniemożliwiono stworzenie więzi parabatai z najlepszą przyjaciółką, Lucie, a małżeńs...

Pozłacany łańcuch
Pozłacany łańcuch
Dave Duncan
Cykl: Opowieść o Królewskich Fechmistrzach, tom 1

Młodzi, odtrąceni przez rodziny chłopcy znajdują schronienie w Żelaznym Dworze. Po latach uciążliwych treningów opuszczają go jako najwspanialsi szermierze świata - słynni Królewscy Fechtmistrze. Nauk...

Lalka na łańcuchu
4 wydania
Lalka na łańcuchu
Alistair MacLean

Oni nie dadzą za wygraną! Pracownik Interpolu, Paul Sherman, udaje się do Amsterdamu, aby wykonać powierzone mu zadanie specjalne, ale popełnia duży błąd zakł adając, że tylko JimmyDuclos wie o jego m...

Lobo: Płonący łańcuch miłości
Lobo: Płonący łańcuch miłości
Alan Grant, Jim Balent
Cykl: Top Komiks, tom 10
Seria: Top Komiks

Komiks zawiera opowieści: - "Płonący łańcuch miłości" - "Lobo i wiosenne lasencje" -"Lobo w Hollywood"

Analiza łańcuchowa w terapii dialektyczno-behawioralnej
Analiza łańcuchowa w terapii dialektyczno-behawioralnej
Shireen L. Rizvi
Seria: Psychiatria i psychoterapia

Poznaj możliwości analizy łańcuchowej w terapii DBT Podstawę skutecznej terapii stanowi właściwa ocena problemów klienta, a narzędziem, które pomoże jej dokonać, jest analiza łańcucha behawioralnego...

Immunologia w zarysie
Immunologia w zarysie
John H. L. Playfair, Benjamin M. Chain

Immunologia w zarysie - złożona z 41 poglądowych rycin wraz z wyjaśnieniami - pozwala na błyskawiczne przyswojenie sobie podstawowych pojęć i procesów warunkujących prawidłowe funkcjonowanie układu od...

Ball & Chain
Ball & Chain
Abigail Roux, Madeleine Urban
Cykl: Cut & Run, tom 8

Home from their unexpected deployment, the former members of Marine Force Recon team Sidewinder rejoin their loved ones and try to pick up the pieces of the lives they were forced to leave behind. Ty...

Kill Chain
Kill Chain
M. Gardiner

When Evan Delaney's father disappears, the cops think he's fled the country to avoid prosecution. But Evan is sure that Phil has been abducted or killed for reasons associated with his work for Naval ...

Copper Chain
Copper Chain
James Maxwell
Cykl: The Shifting Tides, tom 3

Dion, now king of Xanthos, is finally in command of the naval fleet he’s always dreamed of. But his hopes for peace are jeopardized when King Palemon, in dire need of ships to rescue his starving peop...

Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management
Donald Waters

A broad general introduction to all essential aspects of logistics and supply chain management, set within the wider business context. The book uses well-developed pedagogy and numerous case studies, ...

Modeling Supply Chain
Modeling Supply Chain
Jeremy Shapiro

With an emphasis on data, models, and modeling systems, this text teaches professionals and students how to analyze supply chain planning problems. It overviews IT developments related to improving su...

Retail Value Chain
Retail Value Chain
Sami Finne

The internationalization and consolidation of retailing is turning the traditional retail industry on its head. International purchasing, fast and efficient operational models and new technologies con...

Supply Chain Logistics Management
3 wydania
Supply Chain Logistics Management
Donald J. Bowersox

Supply Chain Logistics Management is exciting and promises to bolster traditional logistics courses and invigorate supply chain management courses, by examining traditional logistics issues within the...

Logistics & Supply Chain Management
2 wydania
Logistics & Supply Chain Management
Patrik Jonsson, M. Christopher

Logistics and Supply Chain Management is a comprehensive new text that explains the fundamentals of the subject to help students understand the game rules, goals and objectives when designing, plannin...

Purchasing & Supply Chain Management
2 wydania
Purchasing & Supply Chain Management
Kenneth Lysons, Arjan Van Weele

Purchasing and supply chain management provides a highly structured and comprehensive approach to the fundamental principles and practice of purchasing and supply chain management. It adopts a rigorou...

Lean Supply Chain Management
Lean Supply Chain Management
J. Wincel

Lean Supply Chain Management provides procurement and supplier development professionals with a powerful and profitable method for strategic procurement. Unlike other strategic procurement guides, Lea...

Total Supply Chain Management
Total Supply Chain Management
R. Basu

The latest book from a successful author team, this essential handbook provides the basic concepts, tools and techniques to support a supply chain excellence initiative. This book shows how to add val...

Construction Supply Chain Economics
Construction Supply Chain Economics
K. London

This is the first comprehensive investigation of the industrial sourcing and procurement practices throughout sixty-eight construction industry supply channels across seven major commodity sectors at ...

Fix Your Supply Chain
Fix Your Supply Chain
P. Husby

Written by business leaders for business leaders, this book explores successful supply chain improvement requirements and methodologies. It covers the use of these techniques in a story about Twin Cit...

Construction Supply Chain Management
Construction Supply Chain Management
S. Pryke

This book provides a unique appraisal of supply chain management (SCM) concepts alongside lessons from industry, observation and analysis gathered during the first decade of supply chain management st...

A Red-Rose Chain
A Red-Rose Chain
Seanan McGuire
Cykl: October Daye, tom 9

A Red-Rose Chain (September 1st 2015, DAW) puts Toby into a whole new world: diplomacy. When the King of Silences declares war on the Mists, Toby somehow finds herself at the head of the diplomatic mi...

Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
R. Monczka

Prepared specifically for the requirements of European, Middle Eastern and African students, Purchasing and Supply Chain Management is a dynamic new textbook that explores the major strategic role of ...

Introduction to Operations & Supply Chain Management
Introduction to Operations & Supply Chain Management
Cecil C. Bozarth

For the core course in Operations Management.This is the first text to provide an integrated and comprehensive treatment of both operations and supply chain management. Students learn how firms must l...

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