Wkuwasz budowę parzydełkowców, a wiesz, że możesz wszystko sprawdzić w internecie. Spędzasz w szkole długie godziny, a potem i tak uczysz się nocami do testów. Nie za bardzo wiesz, jak osiągnąć sukce...
Magia sugestii i siła empatii - Masz ochotę zacząć czytać innym w myślach? Chcesz nauczyć się przewidywać zachowania ludzi? Pragniesz dowiedzieć się, jak wywierać silny i hipnotyzujący wpływ na o...
Magia sugestii i siła empatii - Masz ochotę zacząć czytać innym w myślach? Chcesz nauczyć się przewidywać zachowania ludzi? Pragniesz dowiedzieć się, jak wywierać silny i hipnotyzujący wpływ na otocze...
W latach trzydziestych XX wieku armia włoska dysponowała nadal sprzętem pancernym pamiętającym lata I wojny światowej. Podstawowym uzbrojeniem były czołgi FIAT 3000 stanowiące w istocie kopie francusk...
Publikacja zawiera 154 listy drugiej żony H. F. Radziwiłła, reprezentanta jednego z najznamienitszych rodów I Rzeczypospolitej. Mimo wielkiego uczucia łączącego tę parę małżeństwo zakończyło się rozwo...
Brimming with interviews and case studies from leading global enterprises such as Microsoft, Prudential, Citigroup, Chiquita Brands, Smithfield Foods and West Marine. The Practical CIO is designed for...
BH CIM Coursebooks are officially endorsed by CIM. Each title is edited by the relevant Senior Examiner. They are crammed with a range of learning objective questions, activities, definitions and summ...
Over the past decade, system-on-chip (SoC) designs have evolved to address the ever increasing complexity of applications, fueled by the era of digital convergence. Improvements in process technology ...
Small-cap stocks, those publicly traded companies with market capitalizations less than $2 billion, can yield significant gains that are impossible to find in larger stocks. They've also proven to be ...
The Business-Oriented CIO: A Guide to Market-Driven Management introduces the Market Driven Management approach, which applies and adapts some of the best for-profit business thinking for use by CIOs ...
Designed specifically with revision in mind, the CIM Revision Cards provide concise, yet fundamental information to assist students in passing the CIM exams as easily as possible. A clear, carefully s...
Challenging the Chip is the first comprehensive examination of the impacts of electronics manufacturing on workers and local environments around the world. The essays in this volume contribute to a co...
Robert Littell does for the CIA what Mario Puzo did for the Mafia Robert Littell's The Company is an engrossing, multigenerational, wickedly nostalgic yet utterly entertaining and candid saga bringing...
This is a major revision of a classic, best selling reference book. Originally published by the American Institute of Physics under the title "Physics Vade Mecum" in 1981, and then the second edition ...
This book assesses the regional impact of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and Rural Development Policy (RDP), asking the question of how far these mainly sectoral policies are compatible wit...
Modern electronics testing has a legacy of more than 40 years. The introduction of new technologies, especially nanometer technologies with 90nm or smaller geometry, has allowed the semiconductor indu...
In the early 1950s, the frail septuagenarian Iranian prime minister shook the world, challenging superpower Britain by nationalizing the British-run oil industries in Iran. His name was Doctor Mohamma...
One Exam--Four Volumes of Preparation. Are you ready? Here is the best source to help you prepare for the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) exam, covering the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and more. Every volume ...
Butterworth-Heinemann's CIM Coursebooks have been designed to match the syllabus and learning outcomes of our new qualifications and should be useful aids in helping students understand the complexiti...
Butterworth-Heinemann's CIM Coursebooks have been designed to match the syllabus and learning outcomes of our new qualifications and should be useful aids in helping students understand the complexiti...
In this biography, Roman Frister tells the story of his metamorphosis: from happy child to merciless concentration camp prisoner, from branded to life-thirsty lover and bohemian, who never again will ...
Butterworth-Heinemann's CIM Coursebooks have been designed to match the syllabus and learning outcomes of our new qualifications and should be useful aids in helping students understand the complexiti...
Prepare for CISA certification and improve your job skills with the training you'll receive in this valuable book. Covering the very latest version of the exam, it's packed with instruction on all exa...
You have what it takes to be a CIO. Do you have a strategy for getting there? Now you do. "Gregory Smith has written the definitive work on how to achieve leadership success in IT. This well-written a...
Reuse Methodology Manual for System-on-a-Chip Designs, Third Edition outlines a set of best practices for creating reusable designs for use in a SoC design methodology. These practices are based on th...
This will be the first book to present an overview of the gas industry, and gas markets, across the CIS, which - despite their significance for global markets generally and Europe in particular - have...
A guide to the control of leachate, including failure mechanisms, design, construction, inspection, maintenance and repair.
Digital VLSI Chip Design with Cadence and Synopsys CAD Tools leads students through the complete process of building a ready-to-fabricate CMOS integrated circuit using popular commercial design softwa...
'Professors Gur Ofer and Richard Pomfret have created a volume in which timely and lucid combination of analyses, extensive information and clear-cut knowledge of what went wide of the mark during the...