
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "mimo dams", znaleziono 4

Po nich przyszedł potop
Po nich przyszedł potop
David Irving

W maju roku 1943 należące do Dywizjonu 617 trzy formacje brytyjskich bombowców dalekiego zasięgu Lancaster wystartowały do heroicznej, a zarazem straceńczej operacji o kryptonimie „Chastise”. Jej cele...

Dams & Geomorphology
Dams & Geomorphology
P.J. Beyer

Dams profoundly impact the geomorphology of rivers by altering the natural patterns of water, sediment and energy flow in rivers. These changes have a largely negative impact on aquatic and riparian e...

Future of Large Dams
Future of Large Dams
T. Scudder

Symbols of progress and a necessary evil or inherently flawed destroyers of ecosystems and societies? Thayer Scudder wades into the large dam debate with unprecedented authority. Armed with decades of...

In Paris. 20 Women on Life in the City of Light
In Paris. 20 Women on Life in the City of Light
Jeanne Dams, Lauren Bastide

In Paris is a window on the world's most stylish city by two quintessentially Parisian women: Jeanne Damas, the it-girl, model, and actress, and Lauren Bastide, former editor-in-chief of French „Elle”...

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