
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "mniej dom w", znaleziono 27

The Amazing Spider-Man: Powrót do domu
The Amazing Spider-Man: Powrót do domu
Joseph Michael Straczynski ...
Cykl: Wielka Kolekcja Komiksów Marvela, tom 1
Seria: Wielka Kolekcja Komiksów Marvela

Peter Parker często czuł się samotny. Kiedy ugryzł go napromieniowany pająk chłopiec zyskał pajęcze moce - jednak nikomu o nich nie powiedział. Próbując wykorzystać je dla zysku, przyczynił się do śmi...

Don Giovanni in Sicilia
Don Giovanni in Sicilia
Brancati Vitaliano

Giovanni Percolla ha quarant'anni. Sono stati quarant'anni di beata eistenza, confortata da tre premurose sorelle: lunghi pisolini pomeridiani, robuste pastasciutte, chiacchiere sulle donne, che, a Ca...

Aus dem Studentenleben in Deutsczland.
Aus dem Studentenleben in Deutsczland.
Ewa Perucka Szczygieł, Mirosława Chmielewska Dryszel

Poradnik dla studiujących w Niemczech - przeznaczony jest przede wszystkim dla studentów, którzy wybierają się na studia do Niemiec, ale nie tylko, gdyż adresowany jaest również do wszystkich zaintere...

DAM 2002 Architecture in Germany
DAM 2002 Architecture in Germany
C. Voigt

The newest volume of this important annual survey of German architecture takes a look at what the country's architects are doing outside of Germany, and also at recent buildings of high quality inside...

Applications of Software Agent Technology in Health Care Dom
Applications of Software Agent Technology in Health Care Dom
Antonio Moreno

The intended audience includes graduate and postgraduate students specializing in artificial intelligence and researchers interested in the application of new technologies.

Beirach Moshe

Im vorliegenden 26. Band der Zeitzeugen-Reihe ťLebensbilder. JüdischeErinnerungen und ZeugnisseŤ wird das bewegte Schicksal von Moshe Beirachgeschildert. 1918 in eine Familie frommer Juden in Pabianic...

Der Protestantismus in Polen in dem Jahren 1918-1939
Der Protestantismus in Polen in dem Jahren 1918-1939
Elżbieta Alabrudzińska

"Der Protestantismus in Polen in dem Jahren 1918-1939" ist eine auf die vieljahrige Archivanfrage basierte Bearbeitung der Geschichte von protestantischen Kirchen in der Zwischenkriegszeit. Diese Kirc...

Deutschunterricht und Politik. Das Deutschlandbild in den Lehrbüchern für Deutsch als Fremdsprache in Polen (1933-1945) vor dem Hintergrund der deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen
Deutschunterricht und Politik. Das Deutschlandbild in den Lehrbüchern für Deutsch als Fremdsprache in Polen (1933-1945) vor dem Hintergrund der deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen
Maria Gierlak

Autorka analizuje zagadnienie obrazu Niemiec i Niemców w podręcznikach do nauki języka niemieckiego funkcjonujących w Polsce w latach 1933-1945 w kontekście stosunków polsko-niemieckich.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
2 wydania
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
Mark Haddon

Christopher John Francis Boone knows all the countries of the world and their capitals and every prime number up to 7,057. He relates well to animals but has no understanding of human emotions. He can...

The Dom Who Loved Me
The Dom Who Loved Me
Lexi Blake
Cykl: Masters and Mercenaries, tom 1

Sean Taggart is hunting a deadly terrorist, and his only lead is the lovely Grace Hawthorne. She's the executive assistant for an employment agency Sean suspects is a front for illegal activities. To ...

Man Meets Dog
Man Meets Dog
K. Lorenz

In this wonderful book, the famous scientist and best-selling author, Konrad Lorenz, 'the man who talked with animals', enlightens and entertains us with his illustrated account of the unique relation...

Doing Business in Kazakhstan
Doing Business in Kazakhstan
Nadine Kettaneh

A guide to business practice and trading opportunities in Kazakhstan. The text includes details of project finance and case studies illustrating the progress of companies from all over the world opera...

Doing Business In India
2 wydania
Doing Business In India
D. Nelson

This is a practical pocket-sized guide to doing business in India which will give you the information and skills to succeed. Understand the Indian business culture, run remote teams and achieve your b...

Doing an Undergraduate Project
Doing an Undergraduate Project
D. Reardon

Doing an Undergraduate Project is a practical step-by-step guide to managing and developing a successful undergraduate project. The book covers all aspects of project management, explaining in a clear...

Doing Business In China
Doing Business In China
J. Sanderson

This is a practical pocket-sized guide to doing business in China which will give you the information and skills to succeed. It helps you explore and understand the Chinese business culture, establish...

Doing Qualitative Research in Psychology
Doing Qualitative Research in Psychology
Michael Forrester

Providing a complete introduction to qualitative methods in psychology, this textbook is ideal reading for anyone doing a research methods course in psychology that includes qualitative approaches or ...

Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
M. Haddon

A fantastically unusual detective story written from the perspective of an autistic boy. Christopher is 15 and lives in Swindon with his father. He has Asperger's Syndrome, a form of autism. He is obs...

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night
Mark Haddon

Christopher Boone is a 15-year old autistic savant in Swindon, England. He hates being touched, cannot tell a lie, or understand metaphors or jokes. He is a whiz at math and enjoys puzzles. When the n...

Doing What Works in Brief Therapy
Doing What Works in Brief Therapy
E. Quick

This book is both a set of procedures for the therapist and a philosophy - one that is shared with clients and one that guides the work of the therapist. This second edition continues its excellence i...

Acting in Concert nach dem Risikobegrenzungsgesetz
Acting in Concert nach dem Risikobegrenzungsgesetz

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Jura - Zivilrecht / Handelsrecht, Gesellschaftsrecht, Kartellrecht, Wirtschaftsrecht, einseitig bedruckt, Note: 13 (gut), Westfälische Wilhelms-Universit...

Glaube an dich und werde glücklich
Glaube an dich und werde glücklich

Zwei Ratgeber zum positiven Denken in einem Band Norman Vincent Peale, Mentor des Bestseller-Autors Dale Carnegie, zählt neben Joseph Murphy und Napoleon Hill zu den Koryphäen des positiven Denkens. ...

Successfully Doing Business Marketing In Eastern Europe
V. Kirpalani

Successfully Doing Business/Marketing in Eastern Europe is a unique collection of instructive and detailed essays that will help readers to understand and navigate the complexities of the business wor...

Scooby-Doo Reader #04 Ghost In the Garden
Scooby-Doo Reader #04 Ghost In the Garden
Gail Herman

Carrots and tomatoes are disappearing from Farmer Fran's garden. Shaggy and Scooby volunteer to dress as scarecrows and watch the garden through the night, but they're the ones who end up scared! Will...

Scooby-Doo Video Tie-In Aloha Scooby Ju
Scooby-Doo Video Tie-In Aloha Scooby Ju
Suzanne Weyn

The Mystery Inc. crew doesn't get to laze around in the Hawaiian sun, not when there's a mystery afoot. Scooby-Doo and friends search for a vanished surfer while eyeing a volcano that threatens to eru...

The Dog Who Came in from the Cold
The Dog Who Came in from the Cold

In the genteel environs of Corduroy Mansions, Pimlico, strange doings areafoot, mostly in the name of love. Lonely William French and his faithfulcanine Freddie are recruited to the service of MI6 by ...

AO Principles of Fracture Management in the Dog & Cat
AO Principles of Fracture Management in the Dog & Cat
Ann L. Johnson

This new AO text is a step-by-step manual for treating fractures in the mandible, maxilla, spine, scapula, pelvis, humerus, radius, ulna, femur, patella, tibia and fibula, carpus, tarsus, metacarpal a...

The More I See of Men, the More I Love My Dog
The More I See of Men, the More I Love My Dog
Olivia Edward

Dogs are better than men. It's obvious! They are cheaper and easier to please. They are always over the moon to see you, loyal to the last and don't care when you put on weight. And when was the last ...

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