Polymer thin films is an emerging area driven by their enormous technological potential and the intellectually challenging academic problems associated with them. This book contains a collection of re...
The first comprehensive book on thin-film solar cells, potentially a key technology for solving the energy production problem in the 21st century in an environmentally friendly way. It covers a wide r...
Thin layer chromatography (TLC) is a powerful, fast and inexpensive analytical method. It has proven its usefulness in pharmaceutical, food and environmental analysis. This new edition features a comp...
Organic semiconductors are a central topic of advanced materials research. This book is aiming at bridging the gap between the development and production of devices and basic research on thin film cha...
These ten volumes provide an excellent, in-depth overview of all nanomaterial types and their uses in the life sciences. Each volume is dedicated to a specific material class and covers fundamentals, ...
The development and quality assurance of such high-tech materials as semiconductors or biopolymers demand special analytical methods for surfaces and thin films. This book presents the whole spectrum ...
Zaginieni dzielą się na martwych i na tych, którzy nie chcą zostać znalezieni. A także na tych, którzy nawet nie wiedzą, że zaginęli. Jessica Shaw, prywatna detektywka, przywykła do anonimowych cy...
Przeszłość nie chce być pogrzebana. A prawda wcale nie wyzwala. Himalaje, rok 1935. Kanczendzonga. Mityczna góra, trzeci co do wielkości szczyt na Ziemi. Jej lawiny są zabójcze, a rozrzedzone powiet...
Klimatyczna opowieść o korupcji i porwaniu na Marsie, autora "Modyfikowanego węgla", nagradzanej powieści fantastyczno-naukowej, na podstawie której nakręcono serial dostępny na platformie Netflix. ...
"Cienka czerwona linia", uznawana za jeden z najsłynniejszych książek wojennych XX wieku. Autor, w niezwykle sugestywny, realistyczny sposób, przedstawia wojnę, i nic dziwnego, sam w końcu brał udzia...
Nick Charles, niegdyś pracujący jako detektyw w wielkiej agencji, jest zamożnym handlowcem zarządzającym majątkiem żony. Wiadomość o zabójstwie sekretarki Clyda Wynanta, wynalazcy i milionera, a także...
Kiedy 10 maja 1996 roku trzy ekipy jednocześnie dokonywały ataku szczytowego, nad Mount Everestem zerwała się burza. Zaczęła się mordercza walka o przetrwanie. Jon Krakauer przeżył. Książka Wszyst...
Gok Wan to postać ogromnie popularna nie tylko w Wielkiej Brytanii, ale i w wielu innych krajach. Jest znany z telewizji, przede wszystkim ze swojego show "Jak dobrze wyglądać nago", w którym przekon...
Optymistyczna, podnosząca na duchu i pokrzepiająca książka, która pomoże młodym czytelnikom zmienić ich sposób myślenia o świecie. Pora zmienić to, jak postrzegamy świat! Gdy docierają do nas t...
Reluctant to show up at her family reunion carrying so many extra pounds, unmarried, overweight Ellie Simons hires Bentley T. Haskell to pose as her fiance, thus beginning a weekend of romance, jealo...
His skates were too small. Or they didn't match. Or they were that ultimate humiliation for a boy trying to play hockey - girls' white figure skates. Add to young Bruce McCall's shabby equipment his p...
Calisto Donati She was just a woman. That’s what Calisto wanted to tell himself; that’s what he wanted to believe. Emma was nothing more than a woman. There were other women for him to want. To obses...
In a matter of days, Dex has been kidnapped, tortured, killed, revived, become half Therian, offered the chance to become a spy, and accepted a proposal to marry his jaguar Therian boyfriend, Sloane B...
This book delves into one of the greatest riddles perplexing modern science: Why are humans so smart? In a format understandable even by the non-expert, the author investigates the origins of human in...
A doll is more than what she seems, a monster lives within a child's walls, a murder solved, another remembered, an experiment in death, and the tale of a demonic, forgotten statue. These are just a f...
Written by a world-renowned authority of optical coatings, Thin-Film Optical Filters, Fourth Edition presents an introduction to thin-film optical filters for both manufacturers and users. The preemin...
A long abandoned theme park holds a deadly secret, a cabin trip becomes a fight for survival, a writer returns to a town claimed long ago by eminent domain, a tragic incident on a mountain highway, a ...
A beautiful chandelier that betrays a horror in the English countryside, an empty interstate that is more lonely than it seems, a debt to be paid in an unnatural currency, a pocket watch which holds t...
The Thin Man, Dashiell Hammett's classic tale of murder in Manhattan, became the popular movie series with William Powell and Myrna Loy, and both the movies and the novel continue to captivate new gen...
Up-to-date introduction to the field with the focus on the critical areas of novel thin films such as sol gel synthesis of membrane, ferroelectric thin films and devices, functional nanostructured thi...
This is the first book that can be considered a textbook on thin film science, complete with exercises at the end of each chapter. Ohring has contributed many highly regarded reference books to the AP...
More than 40 renowned authorities introduce and update chapters on the theory, fundamentals, techniques, and instrumentation of thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and high-performance thin-layer chromato...
Authored by leading experts from around the world, the three-volume Handbook of Nanostructured Thin Films and Coatings gives scientific researchers and product engineers a resource as dynamic and flex...
Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) has emerged as one of the most popular techniques for depositing some of the most exciting materials being explored for next generation applications. PLD is no longer vie...
FROM THE INTRODUCTION Vehicle crashworthiness has been improving in recent years with attention mainly directed towards reducing the impact of the crash on the passengers. Effort has been spent in ex...