Uciekając przed Azurianami, kosmicznymi okupantami Storm i Rudowłosa łączą siły z ocalałymi Ziemianami. Wiedza Storma oraz zaciekłość nowych towarzyszy pozwalają wyrównać szanse podczas zbliżającej si...
Drugi tom serii All Star Western, wydawanej w ramach kolekcji Nowe DC Comics. Akcja Wojny Lordów i Sów dzieje się pod koniec XIX wieku, tuż po wydarzeniach opowiedzianych w tomie pt. Spluwy w Gotham. ...
Religia zakazuje i nakazuje, potępia i błogosławi, karze i wynagradza. Żadnego obszaru nie dotyczy to bardziej niż seksualności. Partner seksualny, status małżeński, kolor skóry – w połączeniu z konkr...
Ladder diagram (LAD) and function block diagram (FBD) are the graphic-oriented programming languages in the programming software STEP 7. Now in its fourth edition, this book introduces in the latest v...
The Champ is back!Heavyweight champion - lightweight edition (slimmed down from 50 to 15pounds)"This is not a book. This is a monument on paper, the most megalomaniacalbook in the history of civilizat...
Pierwszy album o Halu Jordanie i Korpusie Zielonych Latatni w nowej linii wydawniczej DC „Odrodzenie”. Oa, rodzima planeta Strażników i Korpusu Zielonych Latarni, przestała istnieć. W centrum wszechśw...
Drugi tom przygód Hala Jordana w ramach linii wydawniczej DC Odrodzenie. Korpus Zielonych Latarni został niemal całkowicie wymordowany, Green Lanterni tylko siłą woli uniknęli unicestwienia. Stoją w p...
Seria zeszytów z ćwiczeniami dla dzieci w wieku od 3 do 5 lat. Zeszyty mogą być pomocne specjalistom pracującym z dziećmi w poradniach psychologiczno-pedagogicznych, nauczycielom przedszkoli, a także ...
Wyruszając z domu, miałyśmy cztery wizy w paszporcie, plecaki przeładowane niepotrzebnymi rzeczami i… strach w oczach. Po miesiącu, gdy opuszczałyśmy Mongolię, po strachu nie było śladu, duża część ...
Kolejny tom szalonych przygód Hala Jordana i Korpusu Zielonych Latarni w realiach kolekcji DC Odrodzenie. Nastała nowa era dla Korpusu Zielonych Latarni. Mający siedzibę na żywej planecie Mogo...
Wydanie zawiera następujące utwory: - "Dom pod kotem z rakietką" - "Bal w Sceaux" - "Listy dwóch młodych mężatek" -" Sakiewka"
Melanie is a very special girl. Dr Caldwell calls her 'our little genius'. Every morning, Melanie waits in her cell to be collected for class. When they come for her, Sergeant keeps his gun poin...
DT(童貞)を捨てたいと悩む高校生・羽柴ジュンイチ。ある日、「ギャルに土下座で頼めば卒業できる」という迷信を聞いて、ダメ元でクラスのギャル・八女に土下座で告白した所…まさかの大成功!? 見事付き合うことになるのだが、ビッチなのに身持ちは固い八女さんに、非リアな羽柴は弄ばれる毎日で…。果たして羽柴は「はじめて」から卒業できるのか!?
That market forces drive the news is not news. Whether a story appears in print, on television, or on the Internet depends on who is interested, its value to advertisers, the costs of assembling the d...
A year ago Sam Madison saved the President of the USA from assassination. A year ago she became a teen celebrity - and started dating David, the First Son. Now, one year on, everyone thinks Sam is rea...
Through acts of violence and murder against his friends and his country, Holden Carver has infiltrated the world's most dangerous super-powered criminal organization. But with the one man who is aware...
Forty-five classic episodes of the most entertaining writing to have gone into television anywhere. The minister of silly walks, the dead parrot, banter in a cheese shop - here is every silly, satiric...
“You’re like the treasure box filled with all the laughter I’ve lost.” When social outcast Mercy Blagden accidentally cuts herself on an ancient ruby dagger, her blood mixes with the blood of a curs...
Quite by accident, September has been crowned as Queen of Fairyland - but she inherits a Kingdom in chaos. The magic of a Dodo's egg has brought every King, Queen, or Marquess of Fairyland back to lif...
Twitter! Everyone’s talking about it. Its memberbership grew over 700% in just one year! Now, learn how to make the most of Twitter–in your personal life, your business, everywhere! All a Twitter deli...
Scott Snyder, the #1 New York Times best-selling author of BATMAN returns to the Dark Knight in ALL-STAR BATMAN! Batman finds himself trying to help his old friend Harvey Dent, a.k.a. the villainous T...
Elisabeth Woolf is born into a rich Jewish family in Edwardian London. Her doting but domineering father has definite ideas how a young lady should behave they do not include visits to the theatre. Ye...
After ten long years of education and residency, Dr. Emmy MacKenzie decides that it's time for a much-deserved vacation. But when traveling the British Isles, a twist of fate at the gates of the anci...
Il volume, in una nuova edizione, disegna la storia del vestire nell'età medievale sia nella sua materialità, sia nei suoi usi sociali vale a dire nei significati che la società medievale attribuiva ...
The intermediate-to-advanced sequel to the ingeniously designed All the Way course. Features the same effective teaching method as All the Way, combining conversation with grammar and culture. Unique ...
The intermediate-to-advanced sequel to the ingeniously designed All the Way course. Features the same effective teaching method as All the Way, combining conversation with grammar and culture. Unique ...
This is the first edition of the Network Troubleshooting Lab Companion for students in the CCNP 4 Network Troubleshooting Cisco Networking Academy Program course. The book is specifically designed to ...
"Game Programming All in One, Third Edition" offers a fun, hands-on method for learning to program 2D-based games with C using the cross-platform, open-source Allegro game library. Using artwork provi...
The #1 A+Exam Guide completely revised and updated to cover all the new exam areas. More than 380,000 units of the previous editions sold to date! Completely revised and updated to cover all the new e...