
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "pani tle", znaleziono 11

The lady of Launay; Pani Launay
The lady of Launay; Pani Launay
Anthony Trollope

Fragment: Jak wielką jest różnica miedzy spełnianiem swego obowiązku i chęcią spełniania go; między spełnianiem swego obowiązku i sumiennym usiłowaniem spełnienia go; między obowiązkiem naprawdę speł...

The Cure Poletko Pana Boga
Jerzy Rzewuski

Życie Pana Jezusa/The Life of Jesus
Życie Pana Jezusa/The Life of Jesus
ks. Bogusław Zeman SSP

"Dobre poznanie Jezusa Chrystusa prowadzi do przyjaźni z Nim i do przyjęcia zbawienia, które jest Jego największym darem" - napisał ks. Zeman we wstępie. Pragniemy, by nasze dzieci były zdolne ów dar ...

Paint the Stars
Paint the Stars
Nyrae Dawn, Christina Lee
Cykl: Free Fall, tom 3

Ezra Greene has made a pretty decent life for himself. He has a nice apartment and spends his days doing the one thing he’s always loved—creating art. Despite being somewhat of a grumpy recluse, he’s ...

Paint with the Impressionists
Paint with the Impressionists
Jonathan Stephenson

An easy-to-master, fun-to-do, practical step-by-step guide to making your ownImpressionist paintingsIntroduce yourself to the lives of the masters – their ideas, their friends, their subjects, their m...

The Biomechanics of Back Pain
The Biomechanics of Back Pain
Nikolai Bogduk, Kim Burton, Patricia Dolan, Prof. Michael Adams

This practical text, written by four key researchers in the field, offers an effective approach to the management and treatment of back pain based on applications of biomechanics. By linking the clin...

Paint with the Watercolour Masters
Paint with the Watercolour Masters
Jonathan Stephenson

This book enables any amateur artist to explore confidently the most popular painting medium the world has ever known: watercolour. Richly illustrated in colour throughout with well-known works of art...

The War Hound and the World's Pain
The War Hound and the World's Pain
Michael Moorcock
Cykl: Graf Ulrich von Bek, tom 1
Seria: Eternal Champion

This is the story of Ulrich von Bek, a cynical mercenary who sells his skills as a soldier in the wars taking place all over Europe. After a particularly horrific destruction of a city in which he pla...

Pain Medicine. The Requisites in Anesthesiology
Pain Medicine. The Requisites in Anesthesiology
Stephen E. Abram

This new volume in the REQUISITES IN ANESTHESIA Series thoroughly but concisely covers the many diverse aspects of pain medicine. It explains all of the basic principles, clinical concepts, and manag...

Clinical Mastery in the Treatment of Myofascial Pain
Lucy Whyte Ferguson

Addressing the most common musculoskeletal pain conditions treated in practice, this revolutionary text presents innovative treatment regimens to restore normal function and reduce pain. Based on the ...

The Well-Tuned Body - Banish Back Pain with Gentle Exercises Based on the Alexander Technique
The Well-Tuned Body - Banish Back Pain with Gentle Exercises Based on the Alexander Technique
Penny Ingham

The human body is not made for sitting at a desk for 40 hours a week. But when youre under pressure, the phone is ringing, there are e-mails to send and meetings to attend, posture is the last thing y...

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