
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "paster ma do", znaleziono 3

"Malcolm XD"

Malcolm XD jest najbardziej nieznanym człowiekiem w Polsce, a jego debiutancka powieść robi furorę na rodzimym rynku literackim. Zdobyła nie tylko uznanie czytelników, ale i przychylność krytyków lit...

Pastrami Murder
Pastrami Murder
Patti Benning
Seria: The Darling Deli

Ever notice that the best dishes…Are made by one smart cookie? Deli owner, Moira Darling didn’t get as far as she did by going with the flow. The smart and sassy amateur sleuth runs a successful shop...

The Bachelor Preferred Pastry
Shirley Jump

Olivia Regan is determined to make her new pastry business a success, and snaring wealthy bachelor Daniel Worth by bidding on him at a highly visible auction is the way to go. Using Daniel's celebrity...

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