
Czy chodziło Ci o: panterapainterpotterapinterpitera ?
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "pintera", znaleziono 25

2 wydania
Jason Pinter

Tuż przed śmiercią uświadamiam sobie, że mity kłamią. Nie ma światła na końcu tunelu. Przeszłość nie przesuwa się przed moimi oczami jak film. Potrafię myśleć tylko o tym, jak bardzo pragnę żyć. Miesi...

Dramaty. Tom 1. Komedie zagrożeń
Dramaty. Tom 1. Komedie zagrożeń
Harold Pinter

"W 1. tomie ""Komedie zagrożeń"" ukazały się następujące sztuki: Pokój, Urodziny Stanleya, Samoobsługa, Cieplarnia, Lekki ból, Dozorca oraz informacje bibliograficzne o autorze."

Koty Leksykon przyrody
Albert Pintera

Ksiązka obejmuje takie tematyki dotyczące kotów jak: anatomia, rozmnażanie, żywienie, pielęgnacja, zapobieganie chorobom. Podane w Leksykonie wiadomości prezentowane są w przystępnej i atrakcyjnej for...

Dramaty 2 - Uwikłania rodzinne
Dramaty 2 - Uwikłania rodzinne
Harold Pinter

"W 2. tomie ""Uwikłania rodzinne"" ukazały się następujące sztuki: Zdrada, Kolekcja, Wieczór poza domem, Kursy wieczorowe, Kochanek, Powrót do domu, Dawne czasy, Krajobraz, Milczenie, Noc oraz informa...

Dramaty 3 w imię praw człowieka
Dramaty 3 w imię praw człowieka
Harold Pinter

W 3. tomie W imię praw człowieka ukazały się następujące sztuki: 1. Ziemia niczyja, 1974, 2. Głosy rodzinne, 1980, 3. Dworzec Victoria, 1982, 4. Niby-Alaska, 1982, 5. Jednego na drogę, 1984, 6. Górski...

Komedie zagrożeń
Komedie zagrożeń
Harold Pinter

Harod Pinter laureat literackiej nagrody Nobla 2005. Pinter uważany jest za najbardziej reprezentatywnego, wspołczesnego brytyjskiego dramaturga drugiej połowy XX wieku. W 1. tomie Komedie zagrożeń zn...

About Pinter
Batty Mark

He has compiled a wide range of material which gives equal emphasis to the study and context of Pinter's writing and the experiences of the theatre practitioners who bring his plays to the stage. Pint...

Harold Pinter Play v 1
Harold Pinter Play v 1
H. Pinter

This volume contains Nobel Laureate Harold Pinter's first plays - The Birthday Party, The Room, The Dumb Waiter, A Slight Ache, The Hothouse, A Night Out, The Black and White and The Examination.

Harold Pinter Collected Screenplays 1
Harold Pinter Collected Screenplays 1
H. Pinter

This collection of screenplays includes "The Servant", "The Pumpkin Eater", "The Quiller Memorandum", "Accident", "The Go-Between", "The Last Tycoon", "Langrishe, Go Down", and "The Proust Screenplay....

Harold Pinter Plays v 4
Harold Pinter Plays v 4
H. Pinter

'The foremost representative of British drama in the second half of the twentieth century.'Swedish Academy citation on awarding Harold Pinter the Nobel Prize for Literature, 2005. This second revised ...

Life & Work of Harold Pinter
Life & Work of Harold Pinter
M. Billington

A biography of the playwright Harold Pinter and a study of his work as writer, actor and director. His political beliefs are viewed from the perspective of his life, which he began as an only child in...

Harold Pinter & the Twilight of Modernism
Harold Pinter & the Twilight of Modernism
V. Begley

The Frankfurt School's discourse on modernism has seldom been linked to contemporary drama, though the questions of aesthetics and politics explored by T.W. Adorno and others seem especially germane t...

Harold Pinter

When Teddy, a professor in an American university, brings his wife Ruth to visit London and his family, he finds himself prey to old conflicts. But now it is Ruth who becomes the focus of the family's...

Harold Pinter

This play was first performed in 1960. Harold Pinter specializes in the tragicomedy of the breakdown of communication, broadly in the tradition of the theatre of the absurds and this is demonstrated i...

Birthday Party
Birthday Party
Harold Pinter

Stanley Webber is visited in his boarding-house by two strangers, Goldberg and McCann. An innocent-seeming birthday party for Stanley turns into a nightmare.

H. Pinter

A restaurant. Two curved banquettes. It's a celebration. "Celebration" is Pinter's new play which displays a vivid zest for life. In "The Room", Pinter's first play, he reveals himself in full control...

Press Conference
Press Conference
H. Pinter

"Press Conference" is a short sketch in an evening of Pinter pieces, which was produced at the National Theatre in February 2002.

H. Pinter

Harold Pinter's response to world events is always pure and simple: he writes with an economy that throws the stark light of truth onto any given subject. There is no fudge, no dallying, no compromise...

Death Etc.
Death Etc.
H. Pinter

Throughout his life, playwright and political activist Harold Pinter has consistently cast light on the hypocrisy of conformist truths in pure and simple terms. Death etc. brings together Pinter's mos...

Old Times
Old Times
H. Pinter

"Old Times" was first presented by the Royal Shakespeare Company at the Aldwych Theatre, London, on 1 June 1971. It was revived at the Donmar Warehouse, London, in July 2004.

Visual FoxPro to Visual Basic NET
Visual FoxPro to Visual Basic NET
Les Pinter

This book is a how-to book for Visual FoxPro developers. It describes the FoxPro development process and describes the VB .NET equivalents. In addition, it points out new VB .NET features that are not...

Harold Pinter

Part of a collection of Harold Pinter's works, this is a comedy of sexual manners in which Pinter captures the psyche's sly manoeuvres for self-respect with sardonic forgiveness. Written in 1978 by th...

Harold Pinter

Harold Pinter's first and only novel, written in the early 1950s before he began writing plays. The novel is set in post-war London's East End, a landscape of bomb-sites, and describes the lives of fo...

Harold Pinter

'Various Voices' to pierwsa kolekcja prozy i poezji Harolda Pintera. Pokazuje nie tylko jego wszechstronność w pisaniu, ale także daje obraz jego indywidualności, czegoś pomiędzy postacią mityczną a t...

Collected Screenplays 3
Collected Screenplays 3
Harold Pinter

Collected Screenplays 3

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