This book reproduces J-P. Serre's 1964 Harvard lectures. The aim is to introduce the reader to the "Lie dictionary": Lie algebras and Lie groups. Special features of the presentation are its emphasis ...
Der Jakobsweg nach Santiago de Compostela, wo die sterblichen Überreste des Apostels Jakobus ruhen, wurde vom Europääischen Rat als der wichtigste anerkannt, weil er seit vielen Jahrhunderten einzelne...
In 1932 Florence Reece, the wife of a Kentucky coal miner, wrote one of the classic topical songs preserved in the folk musical revival. The song, "Which Side Are You On?," contrasts the lot of the wo...
The serenity and freshness of the beach and sea are reflected throughout this book. Here you'll find paradise-like enclaves ideal for cocktails, sunbathing and every form of lazy relaxation. Sun-kisse...
For Georgia, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Just when she thought she was the official one-and-only girlfriend of Masimo, he's walked off into the night with the full hump, leavi...
Als James Bowen den hungrigen, verwahrlosten Kater vor seiner Wohnungstür fand, hätte man kaum sagen können, wem von beiden es schlechter ging. James schlug sich als Straßenmusiker durch, er hatte ei...