Praca zdalna jest jedną z obietnic przyszłości, które pojawiły się w konsekwencji burzliwego rozwoju technologii. Wydaje się jednak, że taka forma zatrudnienia nie jest dogodnym rozwiązaniem dla każde...
The most comprehensive description of the physical foundations of methods and instruments in the fields of passive remote sensing applied to investigations of the Earth, Solar system bodies and space....
Do niedawna wirtualny świat stanowił tylko jeden z kilku dostępnych kanałów sprzedaży. Można się było nim posługiwać, ale nie był to warunek konieczny sukcesu. Tymczasem dziś, w czasie pandemii, to n...
Tytułowy bohater od zawsze marzył o dalekich wyprawach w nieznane. Przy pierwszej nadarzającej się okazji wyruszył w daleki rejs. Niestety, jego statek rozbił się i tylko on ocalał. Trafił do kraju L...
Provides an up-to-date, comprehensive review on laser remote sensingPresents new systems that apply ultrafast laser technologyReviews Mie LIDAR measurements of aerosols and clouds, and absorption LIDA...
The majority of remote sensing work from the past decade focuses on natural environments. Applying remote sensing technology to urban areas is relatively new. With the advent of high resolution imager...
Ideal for a University level, one-semester Introductory remote sensing course as well as an Introductory Airphoto Interpretation course. This book introduces the fundamental principles of remote sensi...
Introduction to Remote Sensing Principles and Concepts provides a comprehensive student introduction to both the theory and application of remote sensing. This textbook* introduces the field of remote...
The book covers a variety of aspects central to radar remote sensing, with a focus on polarimetric topics. The chapters on electromagnetic wave propagation, antennas, radar and synthetic aperture rada...
The authors have been working with Remote Installation Services since its birth in 1999. We are really enthusiastic about working with it. From their experiences from very different customers with ver...
Remote sensing of impervious surfaces has matured using advances in geospatial technology so recent that its applications have received only sporadic coverage in remote sensing literature. "Remote Sen...
From recent developments in digital image processing to the next generation of satellite systems, this book provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of remote sensing and image interpretatio...
A magnificent achievement. A who's who of contemporary remote sensing have produced an engaging, wide-ranging and scholarly review of the field in just one volume.
This handbook is the first comprehensive overview of the field of satellite remote sensing for archaeology and how it can be applied to ongoing archaeological fieldwork projects across the globe. It p...
Both signal processing and image processing play increasingly important roles in remote sensing. Most data from satellites are in image forms; thus image processing has been used more often. However, ...
The recent use of latest-generation sensors in airborne and satellite platforms is producing a nearly continual stream of high-dimensional data, which, in turn, is creating new processing challenges....
From recent developments in digital image processing to the next generation of satellite systems, the sixth edition of this comprehensive text introduces students to the latest developments in the exc...
"Remote Sensing of Urban and Suburban Areas" provides instructors with a text reference that has a logical and easy-to-follow flow of topics around which they can structure the syllabi of their urban ...
This volume gathers together a representative set of examples from the many varied spatial techniques and analytical approaches being used by geographers, ecologists, and biogeographers to study plant...
Covers how remote traffic is processed from source to network, and the technologies, services, and protocols it is likely to encounter along the wayDelivers the information and advice to properly conf...