Pod autokratycznymi rządami Federalnej Europy skazani kryminaliści są siłą wcielani do armii i wysyłani do walki. Duchy - potwory z innego świata, które potrafią zabijać na tysiąc różnych sposobów. Pi...
ZADANIEM STAREGO, NONSZALANCKIEGO I SPISANEGO NA STRATY PRZEZ SIŁY NADPRZYRODZONE, twardego Detektywa Inspektora Harry’ego Absaloma jest dopilnowanie przestrzegania Porozumienia – umowy pomiędzy Rodzi...
This concise, well-written book will help readers understand the ongoing fascination with do-it-yourself media. Ellie Rennie explains how community media has, since its beginning, challenged the theor...
Neonatal Cerebral Investigation reviews all aspects of the investigation of the neonatal brain, bringing together diagnostic and prognostic information in a highly illustrated and practical text. An i...
Care of the neonate is one of the most dynamic and rapidly changing areas of medicine, with rapid advances in the interventions available for these vulnerable patients. Roberton's Textbook of Neonatol...
The Textbook of Neonatology provides a comprehensive and readable reference to the pathophysiology, diagnosis, management and prognosis for disease in the newborn, as well as describing the care of th...
"When the river is gone, ships shall sail in the sky, monsters bring fire from the heavens. All will fall into a grey and endless sea, and Doomsday has come." Florence, the sixteenth century. No one ...
The 'Architecture in Detail' series comprises books that focus on individual buildings noted for their exceptional character, innovative design or technical virtuosity. Each volume contains a text by ...