
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "ridges ja on", znaleziono 18

Ridge mściciel
2 wydania
Ridge mściciel
Leanne Banks

Jego ojciec, senator Harrison Montgomery, był sławny i bogaty - on nie miał nic. Montgomery nawet nie wiedział o istnieniu syna. Ridge marzył tylko o tym, by pomścić swoją krzywdę. Okazja nadarzyła si...

Powrót do Crowfoot Ridge
Powrót do Crowfoot Ridge
Ann Brandt

W ciągu dwudziestu lat nieudanego małżeństwa Avery Beldwir wielokrotnie we wspomnieniach odbywa "podróż sentymentalną" do magicznego miejsca młodości u stóp gór Crowfoot Ridge w Północnej Karolinie. W...

Co się zdarzyło w Granite Ridge?
Co się zdarzyło w Granite Ridge?
Barbara McCauley
Seria: Harlequin Gorący Romans

London Bridges
2 wydania
London Bridges

In the 10th Alex Cross book, the now-FBI agent races the clock as he confronts two prior nemeses in a chilling scenario that threatens both the world at large and him personally. Armed men brusquely a...

Bridges to Academic Writing
Bridges to Academic Writing
Ann O. Strauch

Bridges to Academic Writing is a high-beginning/low-intermediate ESL/ELT composition text that focuses first and foremost on a process approach to writing while it includes work on the basic organizat...

Bonds and Bridges
Bonds and Bridges
"opracowanie zbiorowe"

Gry komputerowe wyszły z cienia i przestały być pasją „graczy”. Prezydent Barack Obama w 2011 r. powołał doradcę Białego Domu ds. gier komputerowych, który ma współpracować m.in. z NASA, Narodowymi ...

Planning & Making Crowns & Bridges
Planning & Making Crowns & Bridges
B. Smith

This highly successful text, which has achieved wide acclaim among practitioners and is a recommended text in the major dental schools, has again been revised and updated to keep it at the forefront o...

Story of Ruby Bridges
Story of Ruby Bridges
Robert Coles

As the first black child to attend an all-white elementary school, this historical fiction shows us all how brave and forgiving a 6-year-old child can be. "Our Ruby taught us all a lot. She became som...

Bridges of Medieval England
Bridges of Medieval England
D. Harrison

Medieval bridges are achievements of civil engineering, which prove the importance of road transport and the sophistication of the medieval economy. This work rewrites their history, from early Anglo-...

Design of Concrete Bridges
Design of Concrete Bridges
Robert Benaim

Examining the fundamental differences between design and analysis, Robert Benaim explores the close relationship between aesthetic and technical creativity and the importance of the intuitive, more im...

My Bridges of Hope
My Bridges of Hope
Livia Bitton-Jackson

Thrilling, touching and thought-provoking, this sequel to I Have Lived AThousand Years offers a firsthand glimpse into post-war Europe. Elli'sindomitable spirit shines through every page, making this ...

Design of Highway Bridges 2e
Design of Highway Bridges 2e
Richard M. Barker, Jay A. Puckett

Design of Highway Bridges, Second Edition is the complete update of the only text covering the application of design fundamentals and up-to-date design specifications to real-world highway bridge desi...

Curious George Rides a Bike
Curious George Rides a Bike
Hans Augusto Rey

George helps a little boy with his paper route and gets into all sorts of trouble.

Design of Buildings & Bridges for Wind
Design of Buildings & Bridges for Wind
Emil Simiu

Design of Buildings and Bridges for Wind is a practical guide that uses physical and intuitive approaches, and practical examples, to demonstrate how to interpret and use provisions of the ASCE-7 Stan...

Fatigue Life of Riveted Railway Bridges
Fatigue Life of Riveted Railway Bridges
B. Akesson

Many old riveted railway bridges are replaced too soon due to a general lack of knowledge about the expected life span. This indicates the need for more information on fatigue and brittle fracture of ...

Design of Modern Steel Railway Bridges
Design of Modern Steel Railway Bridges
John F. Bridges

Perhaps the first book on this topic in more than 50 years, Design of Modern Steel Railway Bridges focuses not only on new steel superstructures but also outlines principles and methods that are usefu...

Why Do Bridges Arch? Level 3 Factbook
Why Do Bridges Arch? Level 3 Factbook
Rachel Griffiths

A series of twenty non-fiction science readers which engages children in the world around them. What holds up skyscrapers? Why are sports domes curved? Why are triangles used in many bridges? You can ...

Response Surfaces, Mixtures, and Ridge Analyses
Response Surfaces, Mixtures, and Ridge Analyses
George E. P. Box

This book introduces the general philosophy of a number of unique topics, including response surface methodology and details least squares for response surface work; factorial designs at two levels; f...

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