
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "s ki sf i", znaleziono 8

Noumand & Marsh

Nourmand, who owns London's Reel Poster Gallery, and Marsh, a designer andart director, have compiled a lovely array of posters from movies of the1930s. Among the book's treasures are full-page reprod...

Noumand & Marsh

Nowa seria poświecona plakatowi filmowemu. Zbiór plakatów związanych zhitami kinowymi lat 90. Miękka okładka, wymiary 24,5x30 cm, 128 stron.Whatever your taste in movies, the filmmakers of the 1990s h...

A Dictionary of Film Terms and Film Studies
A Dictionary of Film Terms and Film Studies
Andrzej Weseliński

Słownik zawiera około 500 aktualnych haseł wraz z przykładami ilustrującymi ich użycie. Obejmuje wszystkie aspekty nauk o filmie, zawiera najważniejsze terminy teoretyczne i techniczne związane z film...

Endoscopy of the Upper GI Tract A Training Manual
Endoscopy of the Upper GI Tract A Training Manual
B. Block

The essential guide to mastering endoscopic techniques of the upper GI tract.While technological advances have made endoscopy one of the most common procedures for examining the upper GI tract, learni...

Surface & Thin Film Analysis A Compendium of Principles Inst
Surface & Thin Film Analysis A Compendium of Principles Inst
Henning Bubert

The development and quality assurance of such high-tech materials as semiconductors or biopolymers demand special analytical methods for surfaces and thin films. This book presents the whole spectrum ...

Noumand & Marsh

Bogato ilustrowana historia plakatu filmowego lat 40. Miękka okładka ,wymiary 24,5x30cm, 128 stron. Considering that the world was at warduring the first half of the decade and much of it still in rui...

Ki-43 Oscar Aces of World War 2
Ki-43 Oscar Aces of World War 2
H. Ichimura

Dubbed the 'Oscar' by the Allies, the Ki-43 Hayabusa was the most prolific Japanese fighter of World War II. Produced in great numbers, it initially proved superior to most US and British fighter type...

Schirmer Encyclopedia of Film 4 vols
Schirmer Encyclopedia of Film 4 vols
B. Grant

A comprehensive guide to film contains entries discussing genres, the impact of motion pictures on society, studios, the technical processes involved in film production, and the history of the format....

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