Piękno świata zamknięte w formie niewielkiej książeczki z cytatami pisarzy i filozofów oraz nastrojowymi fotografiami. To zbiór inspiracji, dobrych wrażeń, drogowskazów ważnych w codziennym życiu. Moż...
This book describes the origins, history, and prospects of big game inAfrica.Researched, photographed, and compiled over 20 years, Peter Beard's"End of the Game" tells the tale of the enterprisers, ex...
Dremland: a cutting-edge weapons research facility in the Nevada desert, home to the world's finest pilots and an elite combat unit under the direct command of the US President.
Things are changing again for the foursome. Knight has bought a cottage outside of the city and Jason is going back to school. Can they weather the changes as they do everything else—together? Things...
Wall Street meets the Sons of Anarchy in the smoldering, scorching first novel in the explosively sexy new Dirty Money series from New York Times bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones. Passion and dang...
In this wildly funny debut from former ad man Ferris, a group of copywriters and designers at a Chicago ad agency face layoffs at the end of the '90s boom. Indignation rises over the rightful owner of...