
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "same sek", znaleziono 4

Ramy snów
Ramy snów
Barbara Cartland
Seria: Najpiękniejsze Miłości

- To były naprawdę wspaniałe dni! - wyznała impulsywnie. Odwróciła się do niego i zaskoczona stwierdziła, że jego twarz jest bliżej, niż mogła się tego spodziewać. Ujrzawszy wyraz jego oczu, znierucho...

They Came to See Poetry
They Came to See Poetry
Tadeusz Różewicz

Tadeusz Rozewicz (b. 1921) is one of the outstanding figures in the generation of writers whose work was indelibly marked by Poland's traumatic and tragic wartime experience. Rejecting traditional aes...

My Name is Sei Shonagon
My Name is Sei Shonagon
J. Blensdorf

Who is Sei Shonagon? The tenth-century author of The Pillow Book? A woman of mixed-race parentage, surviving life in modern Japan? Or a voice from behind a screen, reaching across centuries, linking t...

They Came to See a Poet
They Came to See a Poet
Tadeusz Różewicz

Tadeusz Rozewicz is Poland's most popular and influential poet. Born in 1921, he belongs to the generation of writers whose work was indelibly marked by Poland's traumatic and tragic war-time experien...

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