
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "sara of ebol", znaleziono 22

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Part 1
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Part 1

Język angielski Poziom B2 Lubisz czytać dobre powieści a jednocześnie chcesz doskonalić swój angielski? Mamy dla Ciebie idealne połączenie! Klasyka literatury światowej w wersji do nauki języka angiel...

Adam Degler, Catalogue of Ancient Coins in the Ossoliński National Institute. Part 6: Coins of the Roman Empire. Pertinax Severus Alexander [Katalog starożytnych monet]
Adam Degler, Catalogue of Ancient Coins in the Ossoliński National Institute. Part 6: Coins of the Roman Empire. Pertinax Severus Alexander [Katalog starożytnych monet]
Adam Degler

Ossoliński zbiór monet rzymskich liczy blisko pięć i pół tysiąca egzemplarzy, z czego w kolejnych tomach Katalogu przedstawiono około trzech tysięcy. Seria ta nie ma odpowiedników w polskiej numizmaty...

A study of the biology of Lipara Meigen 1830 flies inhabiting the apical part of stems of Phragmites australis Trinius ex Steudel 1841
A study of the biology of Lipara Meigen 1830 flies inhabiting the apical part of stems of Phragmites australis Trinius ex Steudel 1841
Maria Grochowska

W pracy opisano cykl życiowy wszystkich występujących w Polsce gatunków muchówek z rodzaju Lipara (L. lucens, L. similis, L. rufitarsis i L. pullitarsis). Opis każdego z nich zawiera szczegółowe infor...

The Catalogue of Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts and Miniatures in the Princes Czartoryski Library and Museum. Part 1. The Netherlands (15th-16th Centuries)
The Catalogue of Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts and Miniatures in the Princes Czartoryski Library and Museum. Part 1. The Netherlands (15th-16th Centuries)
Katarzyna Płonka-Bałus

Książka ukazuje kolejne rękopisy na szerokim tle sztuki niderlandzkiej XV i XVI wieku. Hasła katalogowe mają charakter rozszerzony i wzorowane są na wzorcowych wiedeńskich katalogach zbiorów Ősterreic...

A History Of Briatin (Part 3)
W.I.T.C.H. Part 4, Vol. 1: Trial of the Oracle
W.I.T.C.H. Part 4, Vol. 1: Trial of the Oracle
Elisabetta Gnone
Cykl: W.I.T.C.H.: The Graphic Novel, tom 10

The Oracle Accused! A shadow moves over Kandrakar, and the Oracle can feel it stirring. When a member of the Congregation questions his recent decisions and his involvement in human affairs, Kandrakar...

W.I.T.C.H. Part 4, Vol. 2: Trial of the Oracle
W.I.T.C.H. Part 4, Vol. 2: Trial of the Oracle
Elisabetta Gnone
Cykl: W.I.T.C.H.: The Graphic Novel, tom 11

The Oracle Accused! The new Oracle's ambition is revealed, and he'll stop at nothing to possess Elyon's power! Don't think for an instant, though, that he has forgotten about the Guardians. Biding his...

W.I.T.C.H. Part 4, Vol. 3: Trial of the Oracle
W.I.T.C.H. Part 4, Vol. 3: Trial of the Oracle
Elisabetta Gnone
Cykl: W.I.T.C.H.: The Graphic Novel, tom 12

The Oracle Accused! Having uncovered the true identity of the new Oracle, W.I.T.C.H. and the former Oracle head to Kandrakar in an effort to free Elyon, return the Crown of Light to its rightful owner...

W.I.T.C.H. Part 5, Vol. 2: The Book of Elements
W.I.T.C.H. Part 5, Vol. 2: The Book of Elements
Elisabetta Gnone
Cykl: W.I.T.C.H.: The Graphic Novel, tom 14

Running Heatherfield's Ye Olde Book Shop isn't the new life Cedric wanted for himself, but it may have given the perfect opportunity for revenge! With the Book of Elements and the secrets it contains,...

W.I.T.C.H. Part 5, Vol. 3: The Book of Elements
W.I.T.C.H. Part 5, Vol. 3: The Book of Elements
Elisabetta Gnone
Cykl: W.I.T.C.H.: The Graphic Novel, tom 15

An Enemy Redeemed? To save Matt, the Guardians must track down the elemental gems required to open the Book of Elements, but no one ever said the task would be easy! Meanwhile, Cedric finds himself in...

W.I.T.C.H. Part 5, Vol. 4: The Book of Elements
W.I.T.C.H. Part 5, Vol. 4: The Book of Elements
Elisabetta Gnone
Cykl: W.I.T.C.H.: The Graphic Novel, tom 16

An Enemy Redeemed? Trapped in the Book of Elements, the Guardians, Orube, and Cedric must confront Jonathan Ludmoore, the sinister alchemist who was once the servant of Phobos...but can they survive t...

A Small part of me
A Small part of me
Noelle Harrison

Christina's mother walked out on her when she was just six years old. Now in her early thirties Christina has reached a desperate crossroads as a mother herself and goes on the run with her youngest, ...

Greek Street #3 - Book One: Blood Calls For Blood, Part Three: House of Ghosts
Greek Street #3 - Book One: Blood Calls For Blood, Part Three: House of Ghosts
Peter Milligan, Davide Gianfelice
Cykl: Greek Street, tom 3

There are many monsters on Greek Street, but none more terrifying then the deadly creature who's leaving a trail of corpses, each with a page of an ancient Greek play stuffed into its dead heart. Mean...

Encyclopedia of Mass Spectrometry v 2 Part A
Encyclopedia of Mass Spectrometry v 2 Part A
Michael L. Gross

The focus of Volume 2 of the Encyclopedia of Mass Spectrometry is on peptides and proteins, separation techniques, preparation protocols, and the fundamental characteristics as ionic gas phase species...

Chemistry of Peroxides v 2 part 1 & 2
Chemistry of Peroxides v 2 part 1 & 2
Zvi Rappoport

The Chemistry of Peroxides is a new volume in the Chemistry of Functional Groups series. This series covers all aspects of organic chemistry with each volume containing chapters on: General and theore...

Directory of Special Libraries & Information vol.1 part.1
Directory of Special Libraries & Information vol.1 part.1
M. Miskelly

The Directory of Special Libraries and Information Centers covers more than 34,000 special libraries and information centers. Included are libraries associated with the general fields of science and e...

Directory of Special Libraries & Information vol.1 part.2
Directory of Special Libraries & Information vol.1 part.2
M. Miskelly

The Directory of Special Libraries and Information Centers covers more than 34,000 special libraries and information centers. Included are libraries associated with the general fields of science and e...

The Paladin of the Holy Kingdom (part 1)
The Paladin of the Holy Kingdom (part 1)
Kugane Maruyama
Cykl: Overlord, tom 12

The Paladin of the Holy Kingdom (part 2)
The Paladin of the Holy Kingdom (part 2)
Kugane Maruyama
Cykl: Overlord, tom 13

Mini A celebration of Britain's best loved small car
Mini A celebration of Britain's best loved small car
Gary D. Robson

A worthy addition to the "Haynes Great Cars" series, this book chronicles the history of the legendary Mini, from humble beginnings as the brainchild of Alec Issigonis, through 41 years of production,...

The Reception of Charles Darwin in Europe 2 vols
The Reception of Charles Darwin in Europe 2 vols
Eve-Marie Engels, Thomas F. Glick

This volume covers Darwin's reception across Europe and his influence on European science and culture.Charles Darwin is a crucial figure in nineteenth-century science with an extensive and varied rece...

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