
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "science s ant", znaleziono 10

Ceramics Science and Technology v 1
Ceramics Science and Technology v 1
Ralf Riedel

Although ceramics have been known to mankind literally for millennia, research has never ceased. Apart from the classic uses as a bulk material in pottery, construction, and decoration, the latter hal...

The Individuality of a Scholar and Advancement of Social Science. The Scholarship of Antoni Kukliński.
The Individuality of a Scholar and Advancement of Social Science. The Scholarship of Antoni Kukliński.

Tom podsumowujący działalność naukową i edytorską prof. Antoniego Kuklińskiego. Wydany z okazji 80. urodzin profesora. Tom w języku angielskim. From Editor's note: We would like to take this opportun...

Computational Methods in Science and Engineering vol.1
G. Maroulis

All papers have been peer-reviewed. The aim of ICCMSE 2007 is to bring together computational scientists and engineers from several disciplines in order to share methods, methodologies and ideas. The ...

Comprehensive Membrane Science and Engineering 4 vols
Comprehensive Membrane Science and Engineering 4 vols
E. Drioli

This multivolume work covers all aspects of membrane science and technology--from basic phenomena to the most advanced applications and future perspectives. Modern membrane engineering is critical to ...

Fundamentals Of Interface And Colloid Science v 2
Fundamentals Of Interface And Colloid Science v 2
J. Lyklema

Interface and colloid science is an important, though often under-valued, branch of science. It has applications and ramifications in domains as disparate as agriculture, mineral dressing, oil recover...

Fundamentals Of Interface And Colloid Science v 4
Fundamentals Of Interface And Colloid Science v 4
J. Lyklema

Volume IV (2005) covers preparation, characterization of colloids, stability and interaction between pairs of particles, and in concentrated systems, their rheology and dynamics. This volume contains ...

Handbook of Poultry Science and Technology 2 vols
Handbook of Poultry Science and Technology 2 vols
I. Guerrero-Legarreta

Poultry science covers raising and managing healthy chickens, turkeys, and ducks for eggs or meat. From live poultry up until retail production, Handbook of Poultry Processing provides an updated and ...

Idea of a Social Science and Its Relation to Philosophy
Idea of a Social Science and Its Relation to Philosophy
P. Winch

In the fiftieth anniversary of this book's first release, Winch's argument remains as crucial as ever. Originally published in 1958, "The Idea of a Social Science and Its Relation to Philosophy" was a...

Forensic Evidence Science and the Criminal Law 2 ed
Forensic Evidence Science and the Criminal Law 2 ed
Kiely Terrence

Highlights discussions of recent literature reviews from Interpol's 14th Forensic Science Symposium Presents current legal decisions for all forensic sciences discussed Considers the legal angle on "W...

Functionalized Nanoscale Materials, Devices and Systems (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics)
Functionalized Nanoscale Materials, Devices and Systems (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics)
Ashok K. Vaseashta, Ion N. Mihailescu

This book arises from the NATO Advanced Study Institute (ASI) titled 'Functionalized Nanoscale Materials, Devices, and Systems for chem.-bio Sensors, Photonics, and Energy Generation and Storage' held...

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