At the age of ten, Don Ed Hardy recognized the unique force of tattoo art. Growing up in the center of 1950s and early 60s California pop culture, he went on to earn an art school degree and then lear...
Pisarz Henryk Zamroz podejmuje się napisania fabularyzowanych wspomnień morderczyni, która po dwudziestu pięciu latach opuszcza zakład karny. Autor i była skazana ukrywają się przed oburzonymi obywat...
It'll knock both your eyes out! OK, imagine the best photos from the iconic first volume of the body partsseries,The Big Book of Breasts, in their original 30 by 30 cm size, butpopping off the page in...
Najbardziej znana i najpopularniejsza seria wydań utworów Fryderyka Chopina przygotowana przez I. J. Paderewskiego, L. Bronarskiego i J. Turczyńskiego. Zamiarem Komitetu redakcyjnego było jak najwiern...
Roman amphorae of the 1st-3rd centuries AD found on the Lower Danube Typology
Najbardziej znana i najpopularniejsza seria wydań utworów Fryderyka Chopina przygotowana przez I. J. Paderewskiego, L. Bronarskiego i J. Turczyńskiego. Zamiarem Komitetu redakcyjnego było jak najwiern...
Najbardziej znana i najpopularniejsza seria wydań utworów Fryderyka Chopina przygotowana przez I. J. Paderewskiego, L. Bronarskiego i J. Turczyńskiego. Zamiarem Komitetu redakcyjnego było jak najwiern...
Przekazujemy Państwu drugi z ośmiu tomów podręczników do nauki fachowego języka angielskiego przeznaczonych dla wykładowców i studentów uczelni technicznych, inżynierów, projektantów, konstruktorów i ...
The new 4-color edition of Berne & Levy's Principles of Physiology provides basic principles and clinically relevant information for medical students. This user-friendly resource helps students learn ...
The field's most complete, up-to-date , and engagingly-written text onmedical physiology -- now in full colorFor more than four decades, Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology has beenthe leader in hel...
First published in 1999, this Second Edition of Handbook of Applied Cognition focuses on cognitive processes, cognitive engineering and research, and work in applied psychology. Most of the original a...
The new sixth edition of Principles of Biomedical Ethics is a welcome event. There is nothing else like it in the field of bioethics. It has easily become over the years the most used, most praised, a...
Completely rewritten and updated for its Fourth Edition, this best-selling text is a comprehensive, clear, concise, and easy-to-understand introduction to cardiovascular diseases. It is written by int...
The Manual of Neonatal Respiratory Care Book and PDA Software Package offers a clear, clinical approach to all aspects of neonatal pulmonology in two convenient formats! Access step-by-step guidance t...
This single, comprehensive resource responds to the high demand for specialitsts to be able to provide advice to users, as well as day-to-day administration, maintenance, and support of computer syste...
One of the premier clinical dermatology references since 1930, this classic text covers clinical presentation and therapy for a full range of common and rare skin diseases. Its concise, clinically foc...
Explains anatomy in a way that is easy to understand, but also puts the text in a clinical context along the way.The Interactive Surface Anatomy is very useful and well made - a great example of how S...
A guiding star for medical students and junior doctors The world's bestselling pocket medical handbook - the only choice for junior doctors and medical students Offers up-to-date and practical clinica...
A must for all serious students and practitioners of viticulture, the Handbook of Enology (volumes 1 and 2) serves as both a text and reference book for students and practitioners interested and worki...
An improved organization of entries A new, expanded Index A convenient Topical Table of Contents that groups entries by subject matter A fully searchable, systematically updated online version contain...
This easy-to-use new edition of "Robbins and Cotran Review of Pathology" helps you effectively master the most important principles and facts in pathology. More than 1,100 questions - many new to this...
"beautifully demonstrate the intricacies of the systems within the body, and make learning much easier...I would not hesitate to recommend this text book to any other invaluable tool to a...
The Phaidon Atlas of Contemporary World Architecture: Travel Edition, presents all of the best works of architecture completed in the last five years in an ultra-convenient mini format, perfect for th...
This is an introduction to dermatology that assumes a general understanding of medicine, but no specialist knowledge. The book provides the essential core of knowledge to which more detailed informati...
Advanced, affordable technology has brought 3D graphics to the masses. Eye-popping images jump out at us from film screens and video games, advertisements and books. These images inspire innovative gr...
The 6th edition of this well-established textbook is essential reading for postgraduates studying for the otolaryngology specialty exams, giving all the necessary information for otologists in trainin...
As the debate over values grows ever more divisive, one of the most eminent historians of the Victorian era reminds readers that values are no substitute for virtues--and that the Victorian considered...
Sweet, spicy and sometimes saucy, Spain's festive and animated capital bursts with vitality. Delve into Madrid's many highlights, devour the best tapas in town and delight in endless nightlife possibi...
The new edition of Essentials of Marketing synthesises contemporary marketing knowledge to present the fundamental principles that underpin any introductory marketing course, while retaining the core ...
A National bestseller, The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy has been widely acclaimed for identifying and defining the core body of knowledge that no literare American should be without. Now in this ne...