
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "sf na elai", znaleziono 77

Enemy of my brother
Enemy of my brother
J.K. Celińska
Cykl: The Enemies, tom 1

Osiemnastoletnia Judy Benson jest młodszą siostrą Nicolasa, który od lat rywalizuje o wszystko z Jeanem Tunnerem. Z kolei ten drugi jest bratem najlepszych przyjaciółek Judy – Alice i Emily. Mimo iż ...

Bright blaze of magic
Bright blaze of magic
Jennifer Estep
Cykl: Black blade, tom 3

Bad Things Always Come In Threes… As a thief, I'm good at three things: hiding in the shadows, getting in and out unseen, and uncovering secrets. I put these skills to work for the Sinclair Family, o...

Enemy of My Brother 2
Enemy of My Brother 2
J.K. Celińska
Cykl: The Enemies, tom 2

Kontynuacja historii Judy Benson i Jeana Tunnera. Jean i Judy są już parą, ale nie mają pewności, czy powinni od razu informować o tym bliskich. Nie wiedzą, jak zareagowałyby na tę wiadomość siost...

De eF
De eF
Artur Żurek

Pisarz Henryk Zamroz podejmuje się napisania fabularyzowanych wspomnień morderczyni, która po dwudziestu pięciu latach opuszcza zakład karny. Autor i była skazana ukrywają się przed oburzonymi obywat...

Future of Public Domain
Future of Public Domain
L. Guibault

The presence of a robust public domain is an essential precondition for cultural, social and economic development and for a healthy democratic process. But the public domain is under pressure as a res...

Cars if the world
2 wydania
Cars if the world
Marek Brzeżański

Część pierwsza to opisy produktów dużych firm i koncernów motoryzacyjnych. Część druga to opisy samochodów pochodzących z małych firm. Część trzecia to dane techniczne opisywanych samochodów

Jim Heimann

Cars of the 50s

The problem of cell 13
The problem of cell 13

The Felberg English Readers is a new series of literature for elementary through advanced students of English, adapted especially to meet the needs of Poles and familiarize them with what is the Engli...

Ed Hardy - Art of Life
Ed Hardy - Art of Life

At the age of ten, Don Ed Hardy recognized the unique force of tattoo art. Growing up in the center of 1950s and early 60s California pop culture, he went on to earn an art school degree and then lear...

Handbook of ATPases Biochemistry Cell Biology
Handbook of ATPases Biochemistry Cell Biology
M. Futai

As the first comprehensive overview of this important class of enzymes, this two-volume handbook summarizes recent knowledge about the molecular mechanism of ATPases, relating this information to the ...

Safety Evaluation of Certain Food Additives
Safety Evaluation of Certain Food Additives

This volume contains monographs prepared at the 65th meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food additives (JECFA), which met in Geneva, Switzerland on 7 - 16 June 2005. It includes toxicolo...

Handbook of Tuberculosis Immunology & Cell Biology
S. Kaufmann

Tuberculosis (TB), a deadly airborne disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, takes the lives of almost 2 million people each year and is considered to be the most common infectious...

Integration of Environmental Protection into Other EC Polici
Integration of Environmental Protection into Other EC Polici
N. Dhondt

integrated into other Community policies and activities. This book examines the extent to which, if at all, this Treaty provision requires the Community policy maker to adjust policies so as to ensure...

Evaluation of Certain Veterinary Drug Residues in Food
Evaluation of Certain Veterinary Drug Residues in Food

Summary This report represents the conclusions of a Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee convened to evaluate the safety of residues of certain veterinary drugs in food and to recommend maximum levels for s...

Edward Quinn

A reprieve from post-war austerity, the 1950s epitomized a time of glamour with its film icons and automobiles, which are admired and emulated to this day. Nothing said, "You've made it," quite like g...

Encyclopedia of Molecular Cell Biology & Molecular M 16 vols
Encyclopedia of Molecular Cell Biology & Molecular M 16 vols
Robert A. Meyers

The second edition of this highly acclaimed, sixteen-volume Encyclopedia now contains 150 new articles and extended coverage of cell biology. It is thus the most comprehensive and most detailed treatm...

Encyclopedia of Molecular Cell Biology & Molecular M v 1
Encyclopedia of Molecular Cell Biology & Molecular M v 1
Robert A. Meyers

The second edition of this highly acclaimed, sixteen-volume Encyclopedia now contains 150 new articles and extended coverage of cell biology. It is thus the most comprehensive and most detailed treatm...

Kościół chwalebnego Chrystusa : doktryna Ef 4,7-16 na tle paralel nowotestamentowych
Complete works : according to the autogr. and orig. ed. with a critical comment., reprod. of portr. and ms. 21, Works for piano and orchestra
Complete works : according to the autogr. and orig. ed. with a critical comment., reprod. of portr. and ms. 21, Works for piano and orchestra
Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin

Najbardziej znana i najpopularniejsza seria wydań utworów Fryderyka Chopina przygotowana przez I. J. Paderewskiego, L. Bronarskiego i J. Turczyńskiego. Zamiarem Komitetu redakcyjnego było jak najwiern...

Complete works : according to the autogr. and orig. ed. with a critical comment., reprod. of portr. and ms. 20, Concerto in F minor for piano and orchestra
Complete works : according to the autogr. and orig. ed. with a critical comment., reprod. of portr. and ms. 20, Concerto in F minor for piano and orchestra
Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin

Najbardziej znana i najpopularniejsza seria wydań utworów Fryderyka Chopina przygotowana przez I. J. Paderewskiego, L. Bronarskiego i J. Turczyńskiego. Zamiarem Komitetu redakcyjnego było jak najwiern...

Complete works : according to the autogr. and orig. ed. with a critical comment., reprod. of portr. and ms.. 19, Concerto in E minor : for piano and orchestra
Complete works : according to the autogr. and orig. ed. with a critical comment., reprod. of portr. and ms.. 19, Concerto in E minor : for piano and orchestra
Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin

Najbardziej znana i najpopularniejsza seria wydań utworów Fryderyka Chopina przygotowana przez I. J. Paderewskiego, L. Bronarskiego i J. Turczyńskiego. Zamiarem Komitetu redakcyjnego było jak najwiern...

Enemy of Rome
Enemy of Rome
Douglas Jackson
Cykl: Gaius Valerius Verrens, tom 5

In the dry heat of an August morning Gaius Valerius Verrens wakes filthy and bearded and prepares for his last day on earth. Wrongly accused by enemies on his own side, Valerius is destined to die a c...

Of Dark and Bright
Of Dark and Bright
Kate Sherwood
Cykl: Dark Horse, tom 3

Jeff, Evan, and Dan have been living happily together for the last two years. They still have problems, especially between Evan and Dan, but they’re mostly able to convert the interpersonal disagreeme...

Frank Lloyd Wright & Meaning of Materials
Frank Lloyd Wright & Meaning of Materials
T. Patterson

"Each material has its own message Frank Lloyd Wright, An Authobiography. 1932. Revised, 1943. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce. Copyright by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. Courtesy The Frank Llo...

In the Presence of the Enemy
In the Presence of the Enemy
E. George

A young girl disappears from the streets of London without a trace. Her mother, a well-respected, conservative MP, is convinced she knows the identity of the kidnapper--the child's father. But Detecti...

Rosetta Stone of the Human Mind
Rosetta Stone of the Human Mind
V. Sanguineti

The study of the brain-mind complex has been hampered by the dichotomy between objective biological neuroscience and subjective psychological science, based on speculative topographic models and psych...

Doctor Who: Enemy of the Daleks
Doctor Who: Enemy of the Daleks
David Bishop
Cykl: Big Finish Doctor Who Audio Dramas, tom 121

Bliss used to be a paradise planet. The Galapagos Islands of space. But when the TARDIS brings the Doctor, Ace and Hex to Bliss, it’s been over-run with ironweed plants, and the air is heavy with the ...

First Flight The Story of the Wright Brothers
First Flight The Story of the Wright Brothers
Caryn Jenner

On 17th December, 1903, Wilbur and Orville Wright changed our world with their first successful flight. Stunning photographs combine with lively illustrations and engaging, age-appropriate stories in ...

Story of Cars
Story of Cars

Recounts the fascinating story of the car, from the first disastrous design ideas to the streamlined models of today.Designed to encourage independent reading.Full-colour illustrations include cartoon...

Master of Crows
Master of Crows
Grace Draven
Cykl: Master of Crows, tom 1

What would you do to win your freedom? This is the question that sets bondwoman, Martise of Asher, on a dangerous path. In exchange for her freedom, she bargains with her masters, the mage-priests of...

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