For centuries, the art and culture of China and Japan have exerted aparticular fascination on the West. Items from Imperial China once filledthe porcelain cabinets of European courts, and Japanese pai...
One of the first depictions of marine fauna comes from Samuel Fallours, whowas in the service of the Dutch East India Company. On the island of Ambon,one of the Moluccas, he made drawings of fish and ...
Smallholder farmers are the guardians, as well as the beneficiaries, of a greater diversity of biological species than can be found in protected areas. The farmers' diverse practices are conserving th...
Książka to trzy eseje w polskiej i angielskiej wersji językowej. Eseje zostały opatrzone przypisami zawierającymi wyjaśnienia terminów i obiektów. W każdym z tekstów znajdują się napisane przez Au...
Aparat bezpieczeństwa, ?tarcza i miecz partii?, był jednym z najważniejszych elementów systemu komunistycznego. To dzięki niemu totalitarna dyktatura przetrwała tak wiele lat. Komunistyczny aparat bez...
Tom powstał w ramach serii „Przestrzeń religijna Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej otwarta na Wschód i Zachód” i zawiera materiały konferencji naukowej Międzynarodowej Komisji Historii i Studiów nad Chrześci...
This is a classic adventure from the undisputed master of action and adrenalin-pumping suspense. When a plane crashes in the icy Greenland desert with no passengers on board, and no means of identific...
When the council that controlled the world spanning computer Mother fell out in civil war, it plunged the world in an instant from high-tech utopia to medieval nightmare. Now Herzer Herrick and Megan...
Vodka is enjoying unprecedented popularity in the West at the present time. Specialized vodka bars are opening all over Continental Europe and the U.S. It is becoming increasingly fashionable to drink...
Using Edward Said's framework - and developments in colonialist and post-colonialist studies - to investigate orientalism in the cinemas of France, England and America, the contributors draw upon femi...
Christoph Baumer is one of the very few Westerners to have visited many of the most important Assyrian sites, and has written the only comprehensive history of the Church, which now fights for surviva...
From the author of the bestselling "The State of the World Atlas", here is an essential tool for understanding the Middle East and its pivotal role in global politics.As Western powers attempt to redr...
This new six-volume series from Europa provides an impartial record of the political, social, cultural, geographical, and economic events that have helped to shape world history. Each of the regional ...
In Sources of East Asian Tradition, Wm. Theodore de Bary offers a selection of essential readings from his immensely popular anthologies Sources of Chinese Tradition, Sources of Korean Tradition, and ...
Between the World Wars An illuminating study of the demographic, cultural, and socioeconomic condition of East Central European Jewry, the book focuses on the internal life of Jewish communities in th...
A Great scholar examines how history has shaped the identity of the Middle East. Most of the modern states of the Middle East are of recent origin, yet the region is the birthplace of 3 religions and ...
Complete set Since 1961 the Adelphi Papers have provided some of the most informed accounts of international and strategic relations. Produced by the world renowned International Institute of Strategi...
This book presents a clear, concise history of the extraordinary multicultural civilizations of the ancient Near East. Bestselling narrative of the complex history of the ancient Near East. Addresses ...
A wonderfully warm love story set in contemporary Kenya - timeless, funny, clever and utterly charming, starring the reserved, honourable Mr Malik. You wouldn't notice him in a Nairobi street - except...
Divided into three sections, the Handbook of US-Middle East Relations provides a thorough and up-to-date overview of contemporary US-Middle East relations in historical perspective. With chapters cont...
Russel Middlebrook is back, in a stand-alone sequel to Geography Club, and he’s off to work as a summer camp counselor with his best friends Min and Gunnar. He’s sick and tired of being openly gay in ...
The importance of East Asia in the global economy is now unquestionable, and its market expansion, driven by a population of nearly 1.9 billion, will strongly influence the tempo of international trad...
This new and updated second edition includes 35 all new entries, including Afghanistan, Al-Aqsa Mosque, Bin Laden, Abdallah Ibn Hussein, Islamic Movements, Northern Alliance, Palestine/Palestinian Ter...
This volume explores the role of informal networks in the politics of Middle Eastern economic reform. The editor's introduction demonstrates how network-based models overcome limitations in existing a...
A Companion to the History of the Middle East offers a fresh account of the multifaceted and multi-layered history of this region. A fresh account of the multifaceted and multi-layered history of the ...
Profiles the major political events in the histories of the countries of Central, South and East Asia * An individual chronology for each country of the region * Provides a concise profile of events f...
Charts the major events and memorable dates in the political histories of the countries of South-East Asia and Oceania. * Alphabetically listed individual country chronologies * Each chronology lists ...
From a widely published expert in the field, this major survey reviews two centuries of modernization and examines the dramatic changes in the economies of Eastern Europe. This is a new and comprehens...