
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "sf na sense", znaleziono 33

Sons of Anarchy. Synowie Anarchii
Sons of Anarchy. Synowie Anarchii
Christopher Golden, Damian Couceiro
Cykl: Synowie Anarchii, tom 1

...ryzykujemy wojnę ze wszystkimi na północ od Oakland. Wybiją nas jak kaczki. Córka Hermana Kozika, dawnego druha Synów Anarchii, ucieka do Charming. Tylko tam może znaleźć ludzi, którzy jej pomogą. ...

A sense of form the art of David Bomberg
A sense of form the art of David Bomberg
Dominika Buchowska

David Bomberg?s art is known mainly for its highly modernist experiments with form during the early twentieth century. In his most famous works from this period, the artist breaks the human figure int...

The aim and sense of the prisoners? life in aspect of penal rehabilitation
The aim and sense of the prisoners? life in aspect of penal rehabilitation
Robert Parol, Anetta Jaworska

There are constantly reappearing questions about the point of institutional rehabilitation, during which, instead of changes in personality, there is a developing personality degradation of the nature...

Last Sons of America
Last Sons of America
Phillip Kennedy Johnson

Carrying on the legacy of America, but at what cost? When a biological terrorist attack makes it impossible for anyone in America to conceive, those looking to start a family must rely on adoption o...

Sense of Order
Sense of Order
Ernst Hans Gombrich

This book provides a comprehensive survey of the history and theory of decorative art. The universal human impulse to seek order and rhythm in space and time can be seen in children's play and in poet...

Sense of Dance
Sense of Dance
C. Schrader

Everyone has the capacity to dance right now. With A Sense of Dance, you will learn about the physical expression of dance, gain confidence in your movement potential, and discover your own creativity...

Making Sense of Data
Making Sense of Data
Glenn J. J. Myatt

This is a practical, step-by-step approach to making sense out of data. "Making Sense of Data" educates readers on the steps and issues that need to be considered in order to successfully complete a d...

Making Sense of Phonics
Making Sense of Phonics
I. Beck

From bestselling author Isabel L. Beck - an experienced educator who knows what works - this concise volume provides a wealth of practical ideas for building children's decoding skills by teaching let...

Uncommon Sense of Management
Uncommon Sense of Management
S. Tiwari

Formal management training teaches us about tools, techniques and models, but relegates skills, ingenuity and wisdom to the background. Sanjay Tiwari's framework equips managers to combine the `intuit...

Making Sense of ECG
Making Sense of ECG
Andrew Houghton

practical, hands-on text for the non-expert in ECG interpretation, this guide covers a wide range of cardiovascular abnormalities. ECG interpretation is explained in the context of overall patient ass...

Sense & Nonsense of Revolt
Sense & Nonsense of Revolt
J. Kristeva

Linguist, psychoanalyst and cultural theorist Julia Kristeva explores one aspect of 20th-century culture - rebellion - in this text. She illustrates the advances and impasses of rebel culture through ...

Making Sense of Echocardiography
Making Sense of Echocardiography
Andrew R. Houghton

Echocardiography is a powerful diagnostic tool that allows assessment of cardiac function, detection of cardiovascular abnormalities, and measurement of physiological parameters such as valvular func...

Making Sense of Research
Making Sense of Research
G. Hek

"Making Sense of Research, Third Edition" is designed to help students and professionals understand research. Research has become integral to everyday practice in health and social care and it is now ...

The Sons of El Topo Vol. 2: Abel
The Sons of El Topo Vol. 2: Abel
Alejandro Jodorowsky
Cykl: Les Fils d'El Topo Series, tom 2

The ongoing sequel to cult film, El Topo, from cult-favorite filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky. “Oh, father, I cannot kill you, but I can kill your son . . .” El Topo was a bandit without limits, a ma...

Making Sense of Change Management
Making Sense of Change Management
Esther Cameron, Mike Green

Making Sense of Change Management is about making change easier. It is aimed at anyone who wants to understand why change happens, how it happens and what needs to be done to make change a welcome rat...

Sociology Making Sense of Society
Sociology Making Sense of Society
Ian Marsh

Providing a broad introduction to sociology, the third edition of Sociology: Making sense of sociology lays the foundations for a theoretically and methodologically robust understanding of the subject...

Making Sense of Human Rights
Making Sense of Human Rights
J. Nickel

This fully revised and extended edition of James Nickel's classic study explains and defends the conception of human rights found in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and subsequent hum...

Colossal Failure of Common Sense
Colossal Failure of Common Sense
L. McDonald

When Lehman Brothers bank went under, the world gasped. One of the world's biggest and most successful banks, its downfall was the event that sparked the slide of the world economy toward a Great Depr...


"India: A Sense of Place" is one of two titles in a new series of travelbooks designed to be an innovative mix between travelogue and armchairtravel. Aimed at a young or young-at-heart audience, they ...

Cornet Nicolas

Packed with evocative images and perceptive texts that capture thedistinctive atmosphere of this beautiful country, this highly visualvolume will be lapped up by anyone with a love of travel and photo...


Packed with evocative photgraphs and perceptive texts that capture thebeauty of France's towns and cities as well as the atmosphere of la Franceprofonde, this highly visual volume will be lapped up by...

Making Sense of Suicide Missions
Making Sense of Suicide Missions
Diego Gambetta

Suicide attacks have become the defining act of political violence of our age. From New York City to Baghdad, from Sri Lanka to Israel, few can doubt that they are a pervasive and terrifying feature o...

Morocco: A Sense of Place
Morocco: A Sense of Place
Ruiz Jean Michel, Treal Cecile

Morocco: A Sense of Place is one of two titles in a new series of travel books designed to be an innovative mix between travelogue and armchair travel. Aimed at a young or young-at-heart audience, the...

Making Sense of Lung Function Tests
Making Sense of Lung Function Tests
S. Dakin

This invaluable hands-on guide for the junior doctor in the clinical setting acts as a useful introductory text for physicians specialising in respiratory medicine. It helps trainee physicians to inte...

Making Sense of the Social Word
Making Sense of the Social Word
D. Chambliss

This book provides an engaging, innovative, and accurate introduction to social research for students who need to understand how social research is done and appreciate the results, but may never do re...

Making Sense of Clinical Examination of the Adult Patient
Making Sense of Clinical Examination of the Adult Patient
Douglas Model

The ability to record an accurate and complete patient history, and to examine the patient appropriately in response to the history described, are fundamental skills that all student doctors need to a...

Structuring Sense v 2 Normal Course of Events
Structuring Sense v 2 Normal Course of Events
Hagit Borer

Structuring Sense explores the difference between words however defined and structures however constructed. It sets out to demonstrate over three volumes, of which this is the second, that the explana...

Making Sense of Statistical Methods in Social Research
Making Sense of Statistical Methods in Social Research
K. Yang

Making Sense of Statistical Methods in Social Research is a critical introduction to the use of statistical methods in social research. It provides a unique approach to statistics that concentrates on...

Simply Brilliant the Competative Advantage of Common Sense
Simply Brilliant the Competative Advantage of Common Sense

Life is complicated enough. Yet many people go out of their way to create hoops to jump through, wrestling with tough problems and calling on the latest management fad to find that elusive solution to...

Central Asia. The Sons of Tabburlaine
Central Asia. The Sons of Tabburlaine
Alain Cheneviere

This stunning book showcases Central Asia's mosaic of peoples as well as ancient ruins emerging from the sands, gigantic masoleums, colorful markets, reincarnations of the caravanserais and breathtak...

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