
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "sf na sol", znaleziono 22

The Republic of Mole Hill. Republika Kreciej Góry. Książka do pisania
The Republic of Mole Hill. Republika Kreciej Góry. Książka do pisania
Lidia Rozmus
Seria: Książka do pisania

Republika Kreciej Góry – nie można jej znaleźć w Encyclopaedia Britannica ani na mapie, ale istnieje. Nie za duża, nie za mała, można powiedzieć – w sam raz. Jest to wzgórze, a jego stoki schodzą do ...

Sztuka starożytnej Grecji i Rzymu. Katalog odlewów gipsowych ze zbiorów Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego / The Art of Ancient Greece and Rome. The Catalogue of Plaster Casts in the University of Wrocław Col
Sztuka starożytnej Grecji i Rzymu. Katalog odlewów gipsowych ze zbiorów Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego / The Art of Ancient Greece and Rome. The Catalogue of Plaster Casts in the University of Wrocław Col
Agata Kubala, Urszula Bończuk-Dawidziuk

Do rąk czytelnika przekazujemy katalog zachowanych do dziś odlewów gipsowych sztuki antycznej, których kolekcję zbudował uniwersytet we Wrocławiu. Jej początki sięgają XIX wieku, a zbiór rozrastał się...

Wonders of the Solar System
Wonders of the Solar System
Brian Cox, Andrew Cohen
Cykl: Wonders, tom 1
Seria: Wonders

Taking readers on a breathtaking visual and scientific adventure, renowned physicist Brian Cox reveals the Solar System as you have never seen it before: from Saturn's moons, where giant ice fountains...

Origin and Dynamics of Solar Magnetism
Origin and Dynamics of Solar Magnetism
M. Thompson

The book treats all aspects of solar magnetism, from its origin in the solar dynamo to its evolution annd dynamics that create the variability of solar phenomena, from its well-known 11-year activity ...

Sale of Good
Sale of Good
P. Atiyah

The leading authority on the subject in the UK, the new edition of The Sale of Goods gives a full and detailed account of the English law of the sale of goods. It also includes a treatment of the law ...

Winds of Salem
Winds of Salem
Melissa de la Cruz
Cykl: Ród Beauchamp, tom 3

Freya Beauchamp is trapped in 1692, in Salem of all places, with no recollection of her past. A powerful enemy spell has sent her spiraling away so that she is separated by centuries from her mother, ...

Biophysical and Physiological Effects of Solar Radiation on
Biophysical and Physiological Effects of Solar Radiation on
P. Giacomoni

In an era of global warming knowledge of the effects of solar radiation on humans is of great importance and the latest discoveries in environmental photobiology are presented in this book. The Editor...

Howe Katherine

I watched today as Giles Corey was presst to death between the stones. He had lain so for two dayes mute. With each stone, they tolde him he must plead, lest more stones be added. But he only whispere...

Sale of Shares & Businesses
Sale of Shares & Businesses
Andrew Stilton

This new title helps with every step of the sale of a business. Drawing from his wide experience of all sizes of transactions, the author provides guidance, using examples, on drafting agreements for ...

International Sale of Goods
International Sale of Goods
Michael Bridge

This book deals with international sales of goods and covers contracts governed by English law and contracts governed by the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods. It deals with...

Handbook of Sol-Gel Science & Technology 3 vols
Handbook of Sol-Gel Science & Technology 3 vols
S. Sakka

Since Dr. Disiich of Germany prepared a glass lens by the sol-gel method around 1970, sol-gel science and technology has continued to develop. Since then this field has seen remarkable technical devel...

Thermal Analysis and Design of Passive Solar Buildings
Thermal Analysis and Design of Passive Solar Buildings
Andreas K. Athienitis

Passive solar design techniques are becoming increasingly important in building design. This design reference book takes the building engineer or physicist step-by-step through the thermal analysis an...

SOA Principles of Service Design
SOA Principles of Service Design
T. Erl

A part of Thomas Erl's SOA series, this title is designed to turn IT professionals into "true" SOA professionals. This specifically means turning the reader into someone who has a clear vision of what...

Postcards From Pluto a Tour Of the Solar System
Postcards From Pluto a Tour Of the Solar System
L. Leedy

Children learn fascinating facts as they "visit" the sun and the planets during an amusing and informative "space tour" through our solar system.

Biology of Polar Bryophytes and Lichens
Biology of Polar Bryophytes and Lichens
R. Longton

This book reviews the biology of bryophytes and lichens in the polar tundra, where these plants may form a dominant component of the vegetation. It considers adaptation to severe environments in terms...

Globalization & the Transformation of Foreign Economic Pol
Globalization & the Transformation of Foreign Economic Pol
P. Bozyk

The onslaught of globalization has brought with it sweeping changes to the foreign economic policy of the last 50 years. As the international political economy of nations and regions continues to be d...

International Sale of Goods in the Conflict of Laws
International Sale of Goods in the Conflict of Laws
James Fawcett

This book is the first one in English to focus in depth upon the private international law problems raised by the sale of goods. It begins with the substantive law and practice, and uses this as the b...

Caps for Sale A Tale of a Peddler
Caps for Sale A Tale of a Peddler

Subtitled 'A Tale of a Peddler, Some Monkeys and Their Monkey Business,' this absurd and very simple story has become a classic, selling hundreds of thousands of copies since its first publication in ...

Commentary on the UN Convention on the International Sale of
Commentary on the UN Convention on the International Sale of
P. Schlechtriem

The Convention on the International Sale of Goods is one of the most successful attempts to unify parts of the law of international commerce. The Convention is now in force in more than 60 states, and...

Adrian Mole and the Weapons of Mass Destruction
Adrian Mole and the Weapons of Mass Destruction
S. Townsend

Adrian Mole's pen is scribbling for the twenty-first century. Working as a bookseller and living in Leicester's Rat Wharf; finding time to write letters of advice to Tim Henman and Tony Blair; locked ...

Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 34
Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 34
S. Townsend

Pandora and I are in love! It is official! She told Claire Nelson, who told Nigel, who told me. I told Nigel to tell Claire to tell Pandora that I return her love. I am over the moon with joy. I can o...

Golem and the Wondrous Deeds of the Maharal of Prague
Golem and the Wondrous Deeds of the Maharal of Prague
Y. Rosenberg

This collection of interrelated stories about a sixteenth-century Prague rabbi and the golem he created became an immediate bestseller upon its publication in 1909. So widely popular and influential w...

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