One of the legendary classics among German photography books, August Sander's Face of Our Time, is now available again. Compiled by August Sander himself, the book was first published in 1929, with a ...
Polish psychologist, Urszula Tokarska, has done a great service to the emerging field of temporal psychology by creating this unique volume, along with 18 authors from around the world, which illustra...
This handbook provides an up-to-date survey of current research topics and applications of time series analysis methods written by leading experts in their fields. It covers recent developments in lin...
For the first time ever a monograph dedicated to the temporary projects and personal designs created by world-renowned architect Enric Miralles. A quick perusal of the pages makes it patently clear t...
In this essay the author puts forward the hypothesis that individual heavenly bodies in a given group may have cycles which synchronise over a greater time period so forming a longer cycle which defin...
THE ARK OF TIME jest to skan, kopia dokumentów jaka analizuje czas .Był to kod jaki został rozkodowany ze skanowany i wydany na 120 stron, jaki posiada 11500 wyrazów . Natura czasu i przestrzeni w pro...
The Champ is back!Heavyweight champion - lightweight edition (slimmed down from 50 to 15pounds)"This is not a book. This is a monument on paper, the most megalomaniacalbook in the history of civilizat...
This book presents a cognitive linguistic study of distance representations carried out using the British National Corpus and the National Corpus of Polish. Corpusbased examination of linguistic expr...
Early Travel Photography. The Greatest Traveler Of His Time
Okres wielkiej konfrontacji to czas, w którym Stany Zjednoczone stawały się mocarstwem, a w polityce zagranicznej przejawiały coraz większą aktywność. Głównym obiektem ich zainteresowania byt Związek...
Pięknie i subtelnie ilustrowana książka będąca próbą upowszechnienia szczególnego polskiego dziedzictwa kulturowego, jakim jest polski folklor zawarty w rodzimych legendach. Ze względu na fakt, iż jes...
Christopher John Francis Boone knows all the countries of the world and their capitals and every prime number up to 7,057. He relates well to animals but has no understanding of human emotions. He can...
Defy the darkness. Defend the light. At the battle of Starstone Lake, Drem and his friends witnessed horrors they’ll never forget. They saw magic warping men into beasts and a demon rise from the dea...
Set in the same world as the Faithful and the Fallen quartet, the first novel in John Gwynne's Of Blood and Bone series, A Time of Dread, takes place one hundred years after the end of Wrath. The Ben...
In May 1937 a man in his early thirties waits by the lift of a Leningrad apartment block. He waits all through the night, expecting to be taken away to the Big House. Any celebrity he has known in the...
Heroes shall rise and fall, the earth shall be stained red, and the fate of the Banished Lands will be decided once and for all in A Time of Courage, the gripping conclusion to the Of Blood and Bone ...
David Keck captivated readers with In the Eye of Heaven. Now, he continues the gripping story of Durand Col, a man at the heart of a nation divided. Fighting under the banner of Lord Lamoric, Duran...
It is 1951, and on a fine spring morning the 8.45 from Bristol toPaddington is preparing to leave. Albert, the driver, says goodbye to hiswife with mixed feelings. Their seeming inability to have a ch...
Alex Barclay is back with another stunning Ren Bryce FBI thriller SHE HASNOWHERE TO RUN! FBI agent Ren Bryce's work chasing some of the most-wantedkillers in the country becomes a nightmare when famil...
Paperback edition of the new book in the Sandro Cellini series of crime novels, set in Florence. With strong appeal to fans of Donna Leon's Guido Brunetti novels, and also readers of Ian Rankin and Co...
Humanity has always felt a powerful need to impose scale and order on that most elusive and transient of elements: time. But what ends do our clocks and calenders really serve?
This reader collects and introduces important work in linguistics, computer science, artificial intelligence, and computational linguistics on the use of linguistic devices in natural languages to sit...
Published in Great Britain in 1981 and available here for the first time, this gripping novel serves up often giddily hilarious fantasy that nonetheless deals unflinchingly with some ugly issues. At l...
What has really happened in Poland since the election of 2005? After such spectacular events as the practice of lustration and the questioning of solidarity with the European Union, one has to ask: wh...
When Roger Bigod, heir to the powerful earldom of Norfolk, arrives at court in 1177 to settle a bitter inheritance dispute with his half-brothers, he encounters Ida de Tosney, young mistress to King H...
Acclaimed author Lynn Flewelling brings her beloved Nightrunners series to a close—at least for now—with a thrilling novel of murder, mystery, and magic. The governor of the sacred island of Korous ...