This volume deals with various aspects of the biology and aquaculture of the sea urchin.
„Sea-gull” kontynuuje dzieje bohaterów, których poznaliśmy w tomie „Czerwona ręka”. Akcja bieżąca rozpoczyna się w grudniu 1748, a znacznie się cofa w retrospekcji. Walenty Onasz przeżywa wiele przyg...
Every house included in this volume reveals a unique dialogue with thelandscape, whether it is designed to merge with its surroundings byintegrating water into the home or conceived as a platform from...
Providing a reference tool for any desk, bedroom or table top, this globe tilts and rotates in any direction.
W Polsce zobaczyć można niezwykłą różnorodność krajobrazów - od wysokich Tatr po nadbałtyckie wydmy. Przyrodę okraszają zabytkowe miasta, miasteczka, zamki i pałace. Odnajdujemy tu ślady wielu kultur,...
Opracowanie samolotu Harrier, Samoloty Harrier w RAF, Wersja treningowa, Samoloty Harrier w lotnictwie Piechoty Morskiej Stanów Zjednoczonych, Harriery w Hiszpanii, Samolot Sea Harrier FA. Mk 2 i jego...
Twórczyni mang i supergwiazda pop surrealizmu Camilla d’Errico zaprasza cię do podróży pod powierzchnię morza i pokolorowania pięknych, tajemniczych i hipnotyzujących światów zamieszkanych przez syre...
This volume describes the outlines of the 'state of the art' in the field of rural history for countries such as England, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Northern France. The contributing author...
This book contains updated, reviewed versions of the best papers on "Modelling Coastal Sea Processes" presented at the International Ocean and Atmosphere Pacific Conference, held in Adelaide, South Au...
Not only is the South China Sea of strategic importance; it is also rich in oil and other natural resources. As such, it is the subject of overlapping territorial disputes between several East and Sou...
Llibre de Sent Soví (pol. Księga Sent Soví) to najstarsza znana katalońska księga kucharska, a zarazem jedna z najwcześniejszych kompilacji przepisów powstałych w kręgu cywilizacji chrześcijaństwa zac...
Once, in a cottage above the cliffs on the Dark Sea of Darkness, there lived three children and their trusty dog Nugget. Janner Igiby, his brother Tink, their crippled sister Leeli are gifted children...
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are harmful to human health and to the environment. Their fate in the marine environment is not yet fully understood. An ocean model (FANTOM) has been developed to...
This is a themed volume of 28 papers, written in honour of Marion Archibald. It considers the role of coinage in northern Europe from the fall of the Western Roman Empire to the early thirteenth centu...
Gdynia to młode miasto, zbudowane od podstaw w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym, wcześniej była tu rybacka osada, a na początku XX wieku — kąpielisko. O powstaniu miasta zadecydowało dogodne położenie j...
The narrator is Max Morden, a middle-aged Irishman who, soon after his wife?s death, has gone back to the seaside town where he spent his summer holidays as a child - a retreat from the grief, anger, ...
Two series starters from a USA Today bestselling author! Sexy fated mates, fierce shifter battles, and a giant octopus named Mr. Huggles. Enter worlds of water and fire where passion rules and the un...
In the future the world was a paradise - and then, in a moment, it ended. The council that controlled the Net fell out and went to war, while people who had never known a moment of want or pain were ...
Honora zajmowała wraz z mężem Sextonem stary, zniszczony dom czynszowy. Klecilili go jak to było możliwe. Każdego ranka, Honora przynosiła kawałek morskiego szkła mytego nad brzegiem, każdy z nich opo...
The fairy tale you thought you knew... The story of the Sea Witch, the villainess from Hans Christian Anderson's classic tale The Little Mermaid, told from the viewpoint of the Sea Witch when she ...
One of the best and most important writers writing in English...dazzlingly entertaining and inventive.
After spending the summer away from each other, Titus and Iolanthe (still disguised as Archer Fairfax) are eager to return to Eton College to resume their training to fight the Bane. Although no longe...
The new gut-wrenching epic from the New York Times bestselling author of Sky in the Deep. For as long as she can remember, Tova has lived among the Svell, the people who found her washed ashore as a ...
Romance, humour and happy-ever-after endings. The deliciously romantic novel from the No. 1 Sunday Times bestselling author of A Vintage Wedding. Emily is happy with her life just as it is. She ha...
The lost kingdom of Orr lies beneath the ocean waves, an entire civilization swallowed by an ancient cataclysm. For centuries, it has lain dormant in the depths, its ancient secrets lost. Until now....
The United States' economy is ruined. Hunger and violence are everywhere. The people are desperate. Thousands crowd Kennedy Airport to escape to Europe. Captain Jonah Scott fills his plane, the Delta...
The Brown trout displays widely divergent life history strategies involving, variously, usage of streams, rivers, lakes, estuaries and the sea. The sea trout is the full sea-going form, it is very com...
This book surveys how the peoples bordering the Mediterranean, North Sea, English Channel and eastern Atlantic related to the sea in all its aspects between approximately 1000-1500 A.D. How was the se...