
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "slaw o edu", znaleziono 39

EU Immigration & Asylum Law
EU Immigration & Asylum Law
S. Peers

Since entry into force of the Treaty of Amsterdam on 1 May 1999, the EU has considered, and in many cases adopted, many proposals for legislation or measures implementing legislation in the area of im...

Constitutional Law of 15 EU Member States
Constitutional Law of 15 EU Member States
L. Prakke

This book was first published in Dutch in 1981. It was called `Het staatsrecht van de landen der Europese Gemeenschappen (Constitutional Law of the EC Member States) and covered the then nine member s...

Consumer Protection Law in Poland from the Perspective of EU Law
Consumer Protection Law in Poland from the Perspective of EU Law
Beata Pachuca-Smulska

Ta angielskojęzyczna monografia stanowi krótkie omówienie najważniejszych zagadnień związanych z ochroną praw konsumenta w prawie polskim oraz unijnym. Autorzy opisują oraz komentują obowiązujące w ty...

Eu Competition Law & Regulation in the Converging Telecommun
Eu Competition Law & Regulation in the Converging Telecommun
N. Nikolinakos

Of the major industries formerly characterized by a high degree of state monopoly control, telecommunications is proving to be increasingly susceptible to market failure. The fundamental causes of thi...

Eu Law
2 wydania
Eu Law
S. Weatherill

Now completely revised and updated for its third edition, this authoritative analysis gives the essential background to an understanding of the operation of the European Union and of the problems faci...

Foster on EU Law
2 wydania
Foster on EU Law
N. Foster

EU law is a subject of ever growing significance. Gaining a solid grasp of the EU's institutions, procedures and substantive law is vital for anyone serious about completing their legal education. Nig...

EU Food Law
EU Food Law
Caoimhín MacMaoláin

This is the first comprehensive analysis of the European Union law of food regulation. It details the way in which EU law impacts upon the production and sale of food throughout the Union. It examines...

Unlocking EU Law
Unlocking EU Law
Chris Turner

"Unlocking the Law" is a completely new series of textbooks with a unique approach to undergraduate study of law. From its conception, the series has been designed specifically so that the subject mat...

EU Criminal Law
EU Criminal Law
V. Mitsilegas

EU Criminal Law is perhaps the fastest-growing area of EU law. It is also one of the most contested fields of EU action, covering measures which have a significant impact on the protection of fundamen...

EU Law 10e
EU Law 10e
Josephine Steiner, Lorna Woods

Now in its 10th edition, EU Law is rightfully regarded as one of the best and most trusted EU law textbooks available. Its clarity, detail and relevance to the student audience make it the perfect tex...

Eu Law 4e
Eu Law 4e
G. De Burca

Review from previous edition Review from previous edition "It is both a law book and a book about the law: a student studying from the Craig and de Burca book will emerge with a fine grasp of the posi...

Eu Communications Law
Eu Communications Law
Peggy Valcke

This fascinating book examines and offers critical comments on the new 'significant market power'-regime, as put into place by the 2003 European regulatory framework on electronic communications netwo...

Undersatanding EU Law
Undersatanding EU Law

Offers a succinct but intellectually challenging overview of EU law for students * Written by the same author team as the popular Understanding Law * Provides an accessible and stimulating analysis of...

EU Electronic Communications Law
EU Electronic Communications Law
Paul Nihoul, Peter Rodford

This book analyzes the rules applicable to electronic communications networks and services within the European Union. Electronic communications encompass all forms of electronic transmission of inform...

Casebook on Eu Environmental Law
Casebook on Eu Environmental Law
Ludwig Kramer

This work comments on 50 key judgments which the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance have given on European Community environmental law. For each judgment, the facts and procedures are de...

EU Private International Law
EU Private International Law
P. Stone

'It is a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the cornerstones of private international law in the European Union which provides a safe and up-to-date guide to a complex area from a comparative pers...

Cases & Materials on EU Law
Cases & Materials on EU Law
Stephen Weatherill

The sixth edition of Cases and Materials on EU Law adresses the demand for an up to date, clear and authoritative collection of cases and materials for this core subject on the LLB. This book equips t...

Coherence of EU Law
Coherence of EU Law
Sacha Prechal

The EU legal order sits above a diverse mix of 27 national legal systems, with some 23 different languages. Amongst such diversity, how can the unity and coherence of the European legal system be guar...

Eu Intellectual Property Law
Eu Intellectual Property Law
T. Cook

European Union law affects the law of intellectual property in two main ways. The first is under EC Treaty provisions on non-discrimination, free movement of goods (in relation to parallel imports) an...

EU Consumer Law & Policy
EU Consumer Law & Policy
S. Weatherill

'Steve Weatherill provides an excellent thought-provoking account of EU consumer law and policy. It will be required reading for all those interested in this important subject.' - Paul Craig, St John'...

Essential Questions in EU Law
Essential Questions in EU Law
August Reinisch

To the new student of EU law, deciding what questions to ask on the subject is as much of a challenge as answering them. This introduction's distinctive Q & A format immediately directs the student to...

EU Law & the Welfare State
EU Law & the Welfare State
De Burca

This collection of essays addresses a topical subject of current importance, namely the impact of the EU on national welfare state systems. The volume aims to question the perception that matters of s...

EU Law Text Cases & Materials
EU Law Text Cases & Materials
Paul Craig

This eagerly awaited new edition of the popular EU Law: Text, Cases and Materials. Written by two experts in the field, the book offers the reader and authoritative and comprehensive guide to all aspe...

Fundamentals of EU Law Revisited
Fundamentals of EU Law Revisited
C. Barnard

With the rejection of the Constitutional Treaty in French and Dutch referenda, the European Union received a severe blow. This precipitated a period of reflection and soul searching. How far should th...

General Principles of EU Law
General Principles of EU Law
Takis Tridimas

The European Court of Justice has profoundly influenced the development of the legal order of the European Community through the elaboration of unwritten general principles of law. The general princip...

Substantive Law of the EU:
Substantive Law of the EU:
Catherine Barnard

This book focuses on the substantive law of the EU with regard to the free movement of goods, persons, services, and capital. An introductory chapter outlines the background to EU law in this sphere; ...

EU Social and Employment Law
EU Social and Employment Law
P. Watson

This timely book provides a distinctively broad-based approach to EU employment law, covering related social policy and anti-discrimination measures, as well as a detailed overview of how policy and l...

EU and UK Competition Law
EU and UK Competition Law
C. Graham

EU and UK Competition Law is your essential guide to the laws and policy underpinning competition law in the EU and UK. Written by a leading expert in the field, this exciting new text book successful...

Elgar Companion to Law & Economics 2nd ed
Elgar Companion to Law & Economics 2nd ed
Jurgen Backhaus

Acclaim for the first edition: 'Backhaus's book is a good companion.'- Pablo Salvador Coderch, Indret 'A most valuable collection of papers serving to provide the reader both with an overview of some ...

Partnership Rights Free Movement & EU Law
Partnership Rights Free Movement & EU Law
H. Toner

This book considers the case for modernising partnership rights in EC family reunification law. Existing Community law guarantees immigration rights only to spouses and yet there is a growing diversit...

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