Podręcznik i atlas przybliża aktualny stan wiedzy na temat chorób tylnego bieguna gałki oraz nowotworów gałki ocznej i wprowadza lekarza okulistę w nowy świat technologiczny diagnostyki i monitoringu ...
W XXI w. jednym z prężniej rozwijanych i rozwijających się sektorów w branży IT jest open source. Choć coraz częściej obecne są w sferach aktywności ludzkiej, to jednak wciąż mało poznane. Na rodzimym...
Wolne i otwarte oprogramowanie (ang. Open Source Software - OSS) stanowi jeden z ważnych segmentów obecnego rynku technologii komputerowych. Programy o otwartym kodzie źródłowym znajdują zastosowanie ...
The introduction of Dual Source Computed Tomography (DSCT) in 2005 was an evolutionary leap in the field of CT imaging. Two x-ray sources operated simultaneously enable heart-rate independent temporal...
This is the first book on rotational effects in earthquakes, a revolutionary concept in seismology. Existing models do no yet explain the significant rotational and twisting motions that occur during ...
Odkryj nieznane możliwości Javy Sieci semantyczne i neuronowe Przetwarzanie grafiki i multimediów Obliczenia naukowe Java, mimo stosunkowo krótkiej obecności na rynku, stała się jednym z najpopularnie...
Wykorzystaj prostotę, stabilność i nowoczesność wolnego oprogramowania Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot! Dowiedz się, jak pobrać i zainstalować system Ubuntu Naucz się korzystać ze środowiska graficznego Poznaj ...
This book discusses the state-of-the-art developments in multi-slice CT for cardiac imaging. It covers all aspects of this technology, from the technical fundamentals and image evaluation all the way ...
Książka "Czytanie kodu. Punkt widzenia twórców oprogramowania" open source to pierwszy na rynku podręcznik poświęcony czytaniu kodu źródłowego jako osobnej dziedzinie wiedzy, której znajomość jest prz...
Niniejsza praca poświęcona jest nieomawianym dotychczas w polskiej literaturze prawnym zasadom tworzenia i rozpowszechniania oprogramowania określanego jako open source software. Propagatorzy tych zas...
The book describes the reasons for the correlation between changes in the number of universally valid legal acts introduced and changes in the national economy. This book is addressed mainly to people...
The advent of wireless sensor technology and mobile ad-hoc networks has stimulated considerable interest and research into distributed source coding (DSC). In conventional source coding a single encod...
"Oil Spill Environmental Forensics" provides a complete view of the various forensic techniques used to identify the source of an oil spill into the environment. The forensic procedures described with...
The updated Third Edition of The Chemotherapy Source Book is the most current and comprehensive reference on cancer chemotherapy. It brings together pharmacologic and patient management information in...
Source Code China: The New Global Hub of IT Outsourcing explores the new, uncharted, and potentially profitable, waters of IT outsourcing in China.
This second volume in the series focuses on identifying sources of fecal contamination in waterways, making it particularly valuable to environmental biologists. In addition, recent advances made in t...
This comprehensive source book sets out over 1750 working drawings of garments, accessories and their details, which can be used for reference while designing. Each drawing, which may be a historical,...
This book is a user manual for understanding and deployment of open source software licensing in business. Written for lawyers and businesspeople alike, it explains and analyzes open source licensing ...
For Junior, Senior, and Graduate courses in Human Evolution taught in anthropology and biology departments.This book is the most comprehensive collection of cutting edge articles on human evolution. D...
A unique guide to the classic Linux/Unix Toolset. Programming is more than just coding. Software developers must build, analyse and test their programs; they have to avoid performance bottlenecks, adm...
This book shows experienced J2EE developers how to leverage a suite of best-of-breed open source development tools to build a complete J2EE application. The authors follow the well-known Pet Store app...
This completely revised and updated source book provides comprehensive and authoritative coverage of cell physiology and membrane biophysics. Intended primarily as a text for advanced undergraduate an...
Fuzzing is often described as a "black box" software testing technique. It works by automatically feeding a program multiple input iterations in an attempt to trigger an internal error indicative of a...
Over 200 discrete topics, covering the full spectrum of general surgery and the surgical sub-specialties. Each topic will be presented in a bulleted, outline-oriented format. Extensive coverage of pat...
Takuan et ses compagnons se joignent aux pèlerins qui vont vers Compostelle. Parmi les estropiés et les scrofuleux, une superbe jeune femme, Dame Esclarmonde. Comme les autres, elle suit cette route d...
What is the status of the Free and Open Source Software (F/OSS) revolution? Has the creation of software that can be freely used, modified, and redistributed transformed industry and society, as some ...
Penetration testing a network requires a delicate balance of art and science. A penetration tester must be creative enough to think outside of the box to determine the best attack vector into his own ...
This title draws the attention of professionals and practitioners working in agricultural and environmental sectors to the experience and successes of the environmentally friendly good agricultural pr...
The Handbook of Research on Open Source Software: Technological, Economic, and Social Perspectives is one of the few texts to combine OSS in public and private sector activities into a single referenc...
In many ways, the rise of the open source web browser Firefox contradicts common wisdom and expectations. An industry with network effects, as is the case in the web browser industry, should follow th...