
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "slon end", znaleziono 11

Fire and Stone: Aliens
Fire and Stone: Aliens
Chris Roberson, Patric Reynolds
Cykl: Fire and Stone, tom 2

Podczas ataku morderczych Ksenomorfów na oddaloną w kosmosie kolonię, znaną jako Hadley's Hope, inżynier terraformowania Derrick Russel prowadzi przerażona grupę ocalałych na Onagera, wyeksploatowany ...

Fire and Stone: Prometeusz
Fire and Stone: Prometeusz
Paul Tobin, Juan Ferreyra
Cykl: Fire and Stone, tom 1

Początek końca ludzkości… Widzieliście film Ridleya Scotta o tym tytule? Wiecie co stało się z załogą Prometeusza? To wiecie więcej niż ludzkość w XXIII wieku wysyłając na LV-223 kolejną misję. Podb...

Fire and stone. Predator
Fire and stone. Predator
Joshua Williamson, Christopher Mooneyham
Cykl: Fire and Stone, tom 4

Ogromnym atutem serii „Fire and Stone" jest osadzenie w opisanym i zdefiniowanym uniwersum, co pozwala na rozwinięcie i skupienie się na jednostkach, które muszą konfrontować się z codziennością oraz ...

Stone and Secret
Stone and Secret
Evangeline Anderson
Cykl: Nocturne Academy, tom 3

What happens when you've been under an uglification spell your entire life and it suddenly gets lifted? Well, read my book if you want to find out--it's what you might call a cautionary tale... I u...

City of Stone and Silence
City of Stone and Silence
Django Wexler

Django Wexler's City of Stone and Silence is the second book in the cinematic fantasy Wells of Sorcery Trilogy featuring a fierce young woman skilled in the art of combat magic on an epic mission to s...

Stone and Anvil
Stone and Anvil
Peter David
Cykl: Star Trek: New Frontier, tom 14
Seria: Star Trek

Fans of Peter David's bestselling New Frontier saga have been eagerly awaiting a new adventure featuring Captain Mackenzie Calhoun, Captain Elizabeth Shelby, and the crews of the Starships Excalibur a...

You and I Alone
You and I Alone
Melissa Toppen
Cykl: You And I, tom 1

Twenty-one year old Anna Blake has lived her life by one simple rule; never get attached. Having learned early on in life that nothing is guaranteed, she knows there is only one person she can truly r...

Dombey and Son
2 wydania
Dombey and Son
Charles Dickens

Paul Dombey is a heartless London merchant who runs his domestic affairs as he runs his business. In the tight orbit of his daily life there is no room for dealing with emotions because emotion has no...

Gates of Thread and Stone
Gates of Thread and Stone
Lori M. Lee
Seria: Gates of Thread and Stone

W mieście ścian i sekretów, w którym tylko jeden człowiek może władać magią, siedemnastoletnia Kai walczy, by jej własny sekret nie wyszedł na jaw - dziewczyna może kierować nićmi czasu. Reev znalazł...

Sherlock Holmes and the Duke's Son
Sherlock Holmes and the Duke's Son
Jennifer Bassett
Seria: Oxford Bookworms Library

Dr Huxtable has a school for boys in the north of England. When the Duke of Holdernesse decides to send his young son there, that is good news for the school. The Duke is a very important person, and ...

The Sigmund Freud Files - Episode 2 Father and Son
The Sigmund Freud Files - Episode 2 Father and Son
Heiko Martens
Seria: The Sigmund Freud Files

A new patient appears on Sigmund Freud’s roster. The initial session soon takes a dramatic turn when the man pulls a gun on Freud. The day before, he murdered his own father, and now he demands absolu...

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