
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "snami endem", znaleziono 33

Polańskis Two Men and a Wardrobe
Polańskis Two Men and a Wardrobe
Marek Hendrykowski

Seria Klasyka Kina popularyzuje najwybitniejsze dokonania filmu polskiego, a także ukazuje polską kinematografię w kontekście europejskiej i światowej sztuki filmowej. Walorem dodatkowym prezentowanej...

Pop manga. Mermaids and other sea creatures
Pop manga. Mermaids and other sea creatures
Camilla D'Errico

Twórczyni mang i supergwiazda pop surrealizmu Camilla d’Errico zaprasza cię do podróży pod powierzchnię morza i pokolorowania pięknych, tajemniczych i hipnotyzujących światów zamieszkanych przez syre...

Wolverine and the X-Men. Tom 2. Szkoła przetrwania
Wolverine and the X-Men. Tom 2. Szkoła przetrwania
Jason Aaron
Cykl: Wolverine i X-Men, tom 2
Seria: Marvel NOW!

W drugiej opowieści o szkole dla mutantów prowadzonej przez Wolverine'a pan dyrektor zabiera gromadkę uczniów na lekcję terenową do Savage Landu - odległej krainy, gdzie wciąż żyją dinozaury. Nastolet...

Wolverine and the X-Men. Tom 3. Saga Hellfire
Wolverine and the X-Men. Tom 3. Saga Hellfire
Cykl: Wolverine i X-Men, tom 3
Seria: Marvel NOW!

Trzeci tom opowieści o szkole mutantów, którą prowadzi drapieżny Wolverine, to tak naprawdę historia akcji ratunkowej. W poprzednich częściach spora grupa uczniów szkoły im. Jean Grey przeniosła się d...

Wolverine and the X-Men. Tom 1. Cyrk przybył do miasta
Wolverine and the X-Men. Tom 1. Cyrk przybył do miasta
Jason Aaron
Cykl: Wolverine i X-Men, tom 1
Seria: Marvel NOW!

Szkoła dla mutantów to miejsce, gdzie obdarzeni rozmaitymi mocami młodzi ludzie uczą się, jak żyć i jak korzystać ze swych talentów w imię dobra. Nauczycielami w tej placówce są doświadczeni X-Men, a ...

Wolverine and the X-Men. Tom 4. Starzy kumple, nowi wrogowie
Wolverine and the X-Men. Tom 4. Starzy kumple, nowi wrogowie
Jason Aaron, Nick Bradshaw, Pepe Larraz
Cykl: Wolverine i X-Men, tom 4
Seria: Marvel NOW!

Tom Starzy kumple, nowi wrogowie to ostatnia z części składających się na serię komiksów z Wolverine’em do scenariusza Jasona Aarona. Wyższa Szkoła dla Mutantów im. Jean Grey funkcjonuje dalej, a nawe...

Roles of business leaders of modern enterprises. Women and men in business.
Roles of business leaders of modern enterprises. Women and men in business.
Mariola Dźwigoł-Barosz

Książka jest zbiorem najnowszej wiedzy dotyczącej inteligencji emocjonalnej liderów współczesnych przedsiębiorstw zarówno publicznych jak i prywatnych. Szczególną rolę w niej nadano relacjom pracodawc...

Sea of Sorrows [ENG]
Sea of Sorrows [ENG]
Ree Soesbee
Cykl: Guild Wars, tom 3

The lost kingdom of Orr lies beneath the ocean waves, an entire civilization swallowed by an ancient cataclysm. For centuries, it has lain dormant in the depths, its ancient secrets lost. Until now....

Tall Men and Strangers
Tall Men and Strangers
Lizzie Lewis
Cykl: Abi Button Cozy Mystery, tom 1

Abigail (Abi) Button is thirty-one, and in spite of kissing a few frogs she has yet to find her prince. On the lookout for a tall, dark stranger (but not too strange) she realises he has been living ...

Lords of Sea and Sky
Lords of Sea and Sky
Starla Night

Two series starters from a USA Today bestselling author! Sexy fated mates, fierce shifter battles, and a giant octopus named Mr. Huggles. Enter worlds of water and fire where passion rules and the un...

Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega
Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega
Brian Wood, Mark Brooks, Roland Boschi
Cykl: Wolverine and the X-men, tom 1

It's Wolverine versus Kid Omega for dominance of the Jean Grey School. Wolverine will discover that the hardest prison to escape can be his own mind. Collecting: Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha & Omeg...

Wolverine and the X-Men, Vol. 1
Wolverine and the X-Men, Vol. 1
Chris Bachalo, Jason Aaron, Nick Bradshaw
Cykl: Wolverine and the X-men, tom 1

Spinning directly out of X-Men: Schism, the X-Men are split in two. In the oversized debut issue of the new ongoing flagship X-series, Wolverine takes one half of the X-Men back to Westchester to star...

Wolverine and the X-Men, Vol. 2
Wolverine and the X-Men, Vol. 2
Chris Bachalo, Jason Aaron, Nick Bradshaw
Cykl: Wolverine and the X-men, tom 2

When Kitty Pryde appears to have become pregnant overnight, Beast, Iceman and Rachel Grey shrink down and enter Kitty's bloodstream to discover the truth behind her...condition! Meanwhile, Wolverine a...

Wolverine and the X-Men, Vol. 3
Wolverine and the X-Men, Vol. 3
Chris Bachalo, Jason Aaron, Nick Bradshaw
Cykl: Wolverine and the X-men, tom 3

AVX tie-in! Wolverine is torn between two teams! Cyclops comes to the Jean Grey School to extend an olive branch, but will Wolverine's X-Men join their estranged ex-teammates against the Avengers? Plu...

Wolverine and the X-Men, Vol. 4
Wolverine and the X-Men, Vol. 4
Chris Bachalo, Jason Aaron, Jorge Molina, Mike Allred
Cykl: Wolverine and the X-men, tom 4

AVX tie-in! The final battle begins! The Jean Grey School for Higher Learning has seen its loyalties - and its faculty - divided by the war between the Avengers and the X-Men. But now, with the Phoeni...

Light and Lens
Light and Lens
Robert J. Hirsch

Light and Lens will be an introductory text that pursues a conceptual stance that stresses compositional design and theoretical models as the strategic elements of vision. Emphasis will be placed on h...

Women and Men 4e
Women and Men 4e
N. Bonvillain

A cross-cultural study of gender roles and relationships, Women and Men: Cultural Constructs of Gender, 4/e has a cross-cultural emphasis with coverage of a wide range of ethnographic and historical d...

Naked and the Lens
Naked and the Lens
L. Benjamin

The Naked and the Lens is designed as both a technical guide and an artistic inspiration. Filled with beautiful images of the nude form, it also shows you how this can be technically achieved. The boo...

Men, Martians and Machines
Men, Martians and Machines
Eric Frank Russell
Cykl: Classics of Modern Science Fiction, tom 1

The people of the Solar System have broken the light-speed barrier, and exploration ships are going out in all directions, manned by - you guessed it! - Men, Martians, and Machines (Robots). This set ...

The Singer and the Sea
The Singer and the Sea
Michael Scott Rohan
Cykl: Zima świata, tom 5

The fifth book in the Winter of the World series

The Lonely Sea and the Sky
The Lonely Sea and the Sky
Francis Chichester, Sir Francis Chichester

...Every night, almost without fail for nine weeks, I had the same nightmare between 3 and 4 o'clock. I was in the air flying, when my vision went completely and I waited in fearful darkness for the i...

Women Men Work and Family in Europe
Women Men Work and Family in Europe
R. Crompton

Considerable social changes are underway as more women, particularly mothers, enter and remain in paid employment. The authors explore these changes (which include an increase in dual-earner families,...

Sly Fox and Red Hen Level 2
Sly Fox and Red Hen Level 2

A Level Two title for beginner readers who can read short simple sentences with help, the Sly Fox and Red Hen continues to delight.

Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation
Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation
Adam Weintrit

In recent years much attention has been paid to safety of navigation and marine transportation. Advances in Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation addresses the main aspects of marine safe...

Why Men Want Sex and Women Need Love
2 wydania
Why Men Want Sex and Women Need Love
Allan Pease

Sex is like air: it's not important unless you aren't getting any. And international bestselling authors Allan & Barbara Pease focus their insight and wit on this, the most important, yet sometimes mo...

Read it Yourself: Sly Fox and Red Hen
Read it Yourself: Sly Fox and Red Hen

A Level Two title for beginner readers who can read short simple sentences with help, the Sly Fox and Red Hen continues to delight.

Development of Sea Urchins, Ascidians, and Other Invertebrat
Development of Sea Urchins, Ascidians, and Other Invertebrat
C. Ettensohn

This book provides a practical guide to experimental methods for studying the development invertebrate deuterostomes as animal model systems. The chapters provide detailed experimental protocols that ...

Fantastic Creatures: Monsters, Mermaids, and Wild Men Beginning
Fantastic Creatures: Monsters, Mermaids, and Wild Men Beginning
Beaver Simon

Cambridge Discovery Education Interactive Readers are the next generation of graded readers - captivating topics, high-impact video, and interactive exercises designed to motivate and engage. These 96...

Warfare State and Society on the Black Sea Steppe 1500-1700
Warfare State and Society on the Black Sea Steppe 1500-1700
B. Davies

This crucial period in Russia's history has, up until now, been neglected by historians, but here Brian L. Davies's study provides an essential insight into the emergence of Russia as a great power. F...

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