Contents - Introduction - The Activities of Józef Retinger in Support of the European idea 1940 - 1946 - Federal Ideas of Europe in Contemporary Polish Discourse - What Kind of Federalism for Europe -...
Książka zawiera artykuły w języku polskim i angielskim takich autorów jak: Danuta Hubner, Jan Kołakowski, Józef Oleksy, Jan Truszczyński i inni. W części: Dokumenty znajduje się siedem dokumentów doty...
Niniejszy tom zawiera referaty wygłoszone podczas konferencji międzynarodowej „Przestępczość gospodarcza z perspektywy Polski i Unii Europejskiej\" (Mikołajki; 26-28 września 2002 r.) która została zo...
Ellie Watt is used to starting over. The daughter of a grifting team, Ellie spent her childhood being used as a pawn in her parents' latest scam. Now she’s much older, wiser and ready to give her con ...
With Saladin, students make connections through learning outcomes and assessments, integrated media, and a writing style that clearly depicts anatomy and physiology processes. A consistent set of chap...
In this innovative comparison of Gadamer and Wittgenstein, the author explores their common concern with the relation of language to reality. Patrick Horn's starting point is the widely accepted view ...
This is the first book to gather together R. K. Elliott's important essays on aesthetics. These essays put forward a number of common themes that together constitute a unified approach to aesthetics. ...