
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "sobie elites", znaleziono 6

Malfetto. Mroczne piętno
2 wydania
Malfetto. Mroczne piętno
Marie Lu

Nowa książka Marie Lu, autorki bestsellerowej serii „Legenda”. Historia toczy się w alternatywnej wersji renesansowych Włoch. Przez Europę przechodzi zaraza. Nieliczni chorzy, którzy przeżyli, okazują...

Bunt elit
Bunt elit
Christopher Lasch

Bunt Elit jest ostatnim dziełem Lascha a zarazem pierwszym przetłumaczonym na język polski. Jest także swoistym podsumowaniem ostrzeżeń obecnych we wcześniejszych książkach tego autora - pisarza bacz...

Remembering Elites
Remembering Elites
M. Savage

This collection will be essential reading for all those interested in the intimate relationship between elites and the remaking of present day capitalism.

Revolt of Elites & Betrayal of Democracy
Revolt of Elites & Betrayal of Democracy
Christopher Lasch

This text challenges American notions of democracy and ambition, culture and civic responsibility, charting a decline in democratic values and debate. It states that this change is due to the "new eli...

The Great Reset. Global Elites and the Permanent Lockdown
The Great Reset. Global Elites and the Permanent Lockdown
Marc Morano

Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better. This is the vision of the Great Reset, according to globalist leaders. While proponents of the Great Reset push sloga...

The Shields of the Empire: Eastern Roman Military Elites during the Reigns of the Emperors Theodosius II, Marcian and Leo I
The Shields of the Empire: Eastern Roman Military Elites during the Reigns of the Emperors Theodosius II, Marcian and Leo I
Łukasz Pigoński
Seria: Byzantina Lodziensia

When the emperor Valentinian III murdered the general Flavius Aetius, it has been observed that he had ‘cut his right hand with his left’, and the story of the fall of the ‘last Roman’ has been put i...

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