
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "sor sa i", znaleziono 8

Using Trends and Scenarios as Tools for Strategy Development
Using Trends and Scenarios as Tools for Strategy Development
U. Pillkahn

Is my enterprise really prepared for future business? What can I do to become more competitive? Ulf Pillkahn's book is directed at all of those seeking answers to these questions: executives in strate...

Psychology for As Level
Psychology for As Level
M. Eysenck

This thoroughly revised and updated second edition of Psychology for AS Level takes into account all the amendments to the AQA-A syllabus since the last edition was produced. The text is mapped more c...

Revise Philosophy for AS Level
Revise Philosophy for AS Level
M. Lacewing

Revise Philosophy for AS Level is the definitive revision guide for students of the Advanced Subsidiary level syllabus. Following the AQA syllabus, it helps students revise using past exam questions, ...

Success in AS Politics for Edexcel
Success in AS Politics for Edexcel
Mc Naughton

"Success in AS Politics for Edexcel" has been written specifically to meet the needs of Edexcel AS students, providing comprehensive, accessible and up-to-date coverage of every topic on the exam boar...

Success As An Introvert For Dummies
Success As An Introvert For Dummies
Joan Pastor
Seria: For Dummies

Thrive as an introvert in an extrovert world Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and author J.K. Rowling have more in common than being highly successful. They're also introverts. Success as an Introvert Fo...

Design For Six Sigma As Strategic Experimentation Planning
Design For Six Sigma As Strategic Experimentation Planning

Design for Six Sigma as Strategic Experimentation develops a practical, science-based methodology for guiding the product realization process for highly-competitive markets. Forecasts of cash flow, ma...

Rubber as a Construction Material for Corrosion Protection
Rubber as a Construction Material for Corrosion Protection
V. Chandrasekaran

First book on rubber used as a construction material dedicated to the chemical process industry Despite the long history of rubber as a construction material, this book is a unique publication as it c...

From a to Alpha Yeast as a Model for Cellular Differentiatio
From a to Alpha Yeast as a Model for Cellular Differentiatio
M. Hiten

The control of yeast mating type is a valuable model for many aspects of cell determination in general. This book provides a succinct analysis of yeast cell type determination, covering: gene silencin...

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