
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "sowie ender", znaleziono 30

Enter Lear The Translator`s Part in Performance
Enter Lear The Translator`s Part in Performance
Anna Cetera

Autorka stawia przed sobą ciekawe zadanie prześledzenia polskich przekładów Szekspirowskiego Króla Leara pod kątem strategii tłumaczenia, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem specyfiki elżbietańskiego kodu t...

Summer Time Render - Tom 1
Summer Time Render - Tom 1
Yasuki Tanaka
Cykl: Summer Time Render, tom 1

Po śmierci rodziców Shinpei zostaje przygarnięty przez rodzinę Kofune. Pewnego dnia, wraca do rodzinnego miasta na wyspie, aby wziąć udział w pogrzebie przybranej siostry Ushio. Szybko okazuje się, ż...

Kroniki Under Yorku - 1 - Klątwa
Kroniki Under Yorku - 1 - Klątwa
Mirka Andolfo, Sylvain Runberg

Losy Nowego Jorku zapisane są w jego czeluściach… Alison Walker ma 19 lat i jest obiecującą malarką z Manhattanu. Ale skrywa też pewien sekret. Jest czarownicą. Cała jej rodzina należy do świata Under...

Governing Europe Under a Constitution
Governing Europe Under a Constitution
H. Blanke

At the summit in Laeken in December 2001 the European Council opened the debate on the reform of the supranational structures through its "Declaration on the Future of the European Union" and proposed...

Enter the World of Grammar 3
Enter the World of Grammar 3
H. Q. Mitchell

Enter the World of Grammar to seria poświęcona nauczaniu gramatyki. Dobrze opracowane i atrakcyjne książki dla poziomów od beginners do upper-intermediate w przystępny sposób prezentujące zagadnienia ...

Solidarność 1980-81 A Carnival Under Sentence
Solidarność 1980-81 A Carnival Under Sentence

Solidarność 1980-81A Carnival Under Sentence However, can one really use the word "Carnival" to describe a time when every moment of joy, every ray of hope turned out be just illusion?...

Enter the World of Grammar Book 5
Enter the World of Grammar Book 5
E. Moutsou

Enter the World of Grammar - dobrze opracowane i atrakcyjne książki dla poziomów Beginners do Upper-Intermediate w przystępny sposób prezentujące zagadnienia gramatyczne, a co naijstotniejsze, umieszc...

Enter the World of Grammar B SB
Enter the World of Grammar B SB
H. Q. Mitchell

zrozumiałe objaśnienia gramatyczne (dostępna polska wersja językowa),atrakcyjna szata graficzna,ćwiczenia doskonalące umiejętność mówienia,działy powtórzeniowe utrwalające użycie elementów gramatyczny...

Enter the World of Grammar 2 Student's Book
Enter the World of Grammar 2 Student's Book
H. Q. Mitchell

Poziom: Elementary A1.2 (CEF) Cechy kursu: zrozumiałe objaśnienia gramatyczne (dostępna polska wersja językowa), atrakcyjna szata graficzna, ćwiczenia doskonalące umiejętność mówienia, działy powtórze...

Enter the World of Grammar 4 Student's Book
Enter the World of Grammar 4 Student's Book
H. Q. Mitchell

Poziom: Intermediate B1 (CEF) Cechy kursu: zrozumiałe objaśnienia gramatyczne, atrakcyjna szata graficzna, ćwiczenia doskonalące umiejętność mówienia, działy powtórzeniowe utrwalające użycie elementów...

The Socratic Philosophy Under the Sign of a Daimonion
The Socratic Philosophy Under the Sign of a Daimonion
Waldemar Pycka

In the present outline of Socrates' thought I primarily focused on the less discussed aspect of his philosophy - I am principally interested in the birth of his philosophy under the sign of a daimonio...

Enter the World of Grammar A SB MM PUBLICATIONS
Enter the World of Grammar A SB MM PUBLICATIONS
H. Q. Mitchell

Enter the World of Grammar - dobrze opracowane i atrakcyjne książki dla poziomów Beginners do Upper-Intermediate w przystępny sposób prezentujące zagadnienia gramatyczne, a co naijstotniejsze, umieszc...

Enter the World of Grammar 1 SB MM PUBLICATIONS
Enter the World of Grammar 1 SB MM PUBLICATIONS
H. Q. Mitchell

Enter the World of Grammar - dobrze opracowane i atrakcyjne książki dla poziomów Beginners do Upper-Intermediate w przystępny sposób prezentujące zagadnienia gramatyczne, a co naijstotniejsze, umieszc...

Doughnuts Under a Crescent Moon Vol. 4
Under the Oak Tree: Volume 1
Under the Oak Tree: Volume 1
"namu", Suji Kim
Cykl: Under the Oak Tree, tom 1

BASED ON THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING NOVEL • Most fairytales end with a wedding and a happily-ever-after—but this is no fairytale. The first volume of the official webcomic based on the hit webnov...

Under a Vampire Moon
Under a Vampire Moon
Lynsay Sands
Cykl: Ród Argeneau, tom 16

When Vampires Go On Vacation . . . Escaping a horrible marriage, Carolyn Connor has no desire to think about men—a vow she's determined to keep while on vacation in St. Lucia. She'll take the Caribbe...

A War of Gifts An Ender Story
A War of Gifts An Ender Story
Orson Scott Card
Cykl: Saga Endera, tom 1

Orson Scott Card offers a Christmas gift to his millions of fans with this short novel set during Ender's first years at the Battle School where it is forbidden to celebrate religious holidays. The ...

Metro 2033 BD.1: Wo die Welt endet
Metro 2033 BD.1: Wo die Welt endet
Dmitry Glukhovsky, Peter Nuyten
Cykl: Metro 2033, tom 1

Das Jahr 2033. Der verheerende Atomkrieg, der die Welt in eine radioaktive Ödnis verwandelt hat, zwang die Bewohner Moskaus dazu, in der Metro Zuflucht zu suchen. Über die Jahre entwickelten sich die...

Down Under: Tome 1. L'homme de Kenzie's river
Down Under: Tome 1. L'homme de Kenzie's river
Nathalie Sergeef ...
Cykl: Down Under [Glenat], tom 1
Seria: BD [Glenat]

"Down Under: Tome 1. L'homme de Kenzie's river" - Road movie dans le bush australien Fin XIXe. Ian McFarlane, fils de migrants écossais, quitte Sydney pour rejoindre la propriété familiale qu’il a qu...

Kate Furnivall
Cykl: The Russian Concubine, tom 3
Seria: The Russian Concubine

Davinsky Labour Camp, Siberia, 1933: Sofia Morozova knows she has toescape. Only two things have sustained her through the bitter cold, achinghunger and hard labour: the prospect of one day walking fr...

Interiors for the Under 5s
Interiors for the Under 5s

Childhood is undergoing a revolution. If you are looking for design ideas, or just want somewhere great to take your child at the weekend, this is the book for you.

Gender and Development 4 vols
Gender and Development 4 vols
J. Momsen

Since the classic Women and Development in the Third World was published over a decade ago, a new awareness of the importance of gender roles in development has grown. Gender and Development provides ...

Confessions of a Subprime Lender
Confessions of a Subprime Lender
Richard Bitner

Packed with tales of crooked brokers, deceitful customers, avaricious Wall Street banks and all too obliging credit rating agencies.

Born Under a Million Shadows
Born Under a Million Shadows
Andrea Busfield

The Taliban have withdrawn from Kabul’s streets, but the long shadows of their regime remain. In his short life, eleven-year-old Fawad has known more grief than most: his father and brother have been...

Encyclopedia of Gender & Information Technology 2 vols
Encyclopedia of Gender & Information Technology 2 vols
E. Trauth

The Encyclopedia of Gender and Information Technology is the only reference work that provides an all-encompassing perspective on the way gender and information technology impact each other. Hundreds ...

Encyclopedia of Gender and Society 2 vols
Encyclopedia of Gender and Society 2 vols
J. O'brien

A comprehensive two-volume encyclopedia covering the major theories, research, people and issues in contemporary gender studies. The work will be distinguished by a cross-nationaloss-cultural perspect...

Down Under Travels in a Sunburned Country
Down Under Travels in a Sunburned Country
Bill Bryson
Cykl: Bryson [Transworld Publishers], tom 6

"Down Under Travels in a Sunburned Country" - It is the driest, flattest, hottest, most desiccated, infertile and climatically aggressive of all the inhabited continents and still Australia teems wit...

Women Men & Language a Sociolinguistic Account of Gender
Women Men & Language a Sociolinguistic Account of Gender
Jennifer Coates

Women, Men and Language is an essential introduction to the key area of language and gender. It sketches the historical background, summarises recent research and introduces students to the key issues...

Financial Crises Contagion & the Lender of Last Resort A Rea
Financial Crises Contagion & the Lender of Last Resort A Rea
G. Illing

Financial crises have become more frequent over the last two decades than they were previously. This book illuminates the fierce debate over how the monetary authorities should handle these crises by ...

Plan B 2.0 Rescuing a Planet Under Stress & a Civilization
Plan B 2.0 Rescuing a Planet Under Stress & a Civilization
L. Brown

The world faces numerous environmental trends of disruption and decline such as rising temperatures, falling water tables and rising sea levels. In addition, the world faces the peaking of oil, the ad...

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