SPIS TREŚCI WSTĘP Rozdział pierwszy MIŁOŚĆ MAŁŻEŃSKA A OBIEKTYWNA RZECZYWISTOŚĆ I. Obiektywizm w pojmowaniu relacji erotycznej 1. Eros w polu prawdy 2. Relacja małżeńska \"w służbie natury\" 3. Prokre...
Seminar paper from the year 2010 in the subject English - Pedagogy, Didactics, Literature Studies, printed single-sided, grade: 1,7, University of Cologne, language: English, abstract: Modernism is wi...
This book gives a fascinating history of the English experience of sport, following its development through the centuries from its earliest beginnings in social play and pastimes, via its adoption as ...
An original short story about Jack Reacher, available exclusively as a separate ebook (also included in the new complete Reacher story collection No Middle Name). Early in his military career, Jack ...
A Jack Reacher short story, published exclusively as an ebook: now also available in the new Reacher short story collection, No Middle Name. The tiny town of Naismith has nothing going for it - excep...
In this ebook short story, also available in the new, complete Jack Reacher short story collection No Middle Name, #1 Sunday Times bestselling author Lee Child goes back to 1989, when Jack Reacher is...
Roughly one significant crime is committed in the US every three seconds. So it's not unlikely to find yourself witnessing one. Jack Reacher is minding his own business in a town in Maine when he see...
Discusses the short story as a literary form and presents selections by such authors as Edgar Allan Poe, Robert Cormier, Kurt Vonnegut, and John Updike. Discussion questions follow each story.
This wide-ranging introduction to the short story tradition in the United States of America traces the genre from its beginnings in the early nineteenth century with Irving, Hawthorne and Poe via Fitz...
Anthology of the American Short Story offers a diverse collection of stories that reflects not only an expansive range of fictional approaches, but also the breadth of multicultural writers who have c...
A Companion to the American Short Story traces the development of this versatile literary genre over the past two centuries. Written by leading critics in the field, and edited by two major scholars,...
There's a story about Ring Lardner, told of him (or against him) by his editor, Harold Ross, that claims his method of writing a story was to put down a few wildly distinct phrases on a piece of paper...
What does Drew Evans have to say next? Find out in this forty page short story, filled with his sexy charm, unique advice and hilarious one-liners. Marriage: the final frontier. Steven went first. He...