
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "stale zar", znaleziono 5

Bar na starym osiedlu
Bar na starym osiedlu
Sabina Waszut

Ola Kies w ciągu jednego, pechowego tygodnia traci pracę i rozstaje się z partnerem. Te wydarzenia sprawiają, że postanawia przyjąć niespodziewany spadek po zmarłej, dawno niewidzianej babce. Ola prz...

Bar starego Francuza
Bar starego Francuza
Jean-Philippe Stassen

Celestin i Leila. Dzieciaki, które opuszczają swoje rodziny i spotykają się na środku pustyni w zadziwiającym barze prowadzonym przez francuskiego staruszka, który uwielbia opowiadać historyjki. On uc...

The Concept of State and Nation in Polish Political Thought in the Period of War and Occupation (1939-1945)
The Concept of State and Nation in Polish Political Thought in the Period of War and Occupation (1939-1945)
Jerzy Juchnowski, Jan Ryszard Sielezin

The book continues investigations presented in The Concept of State in Polish Political Thought in the Period 1918-1939 by Jerzy Juchnowski and Jan Ryszard Sielezin. It presents the development of Pol...

State at War in South Asia
State at War in South Asia
Pradeep Barua

Much research has been done on Western warfare and state building but very little on the military effectiveness of states, until now. Using South Asia as a case study, The State at War in South Asia e...

Shield of Achilles the Long War & the Market State
Shield of Achilles the Long War & the Market State
P. Bobbitt

The Shield of Achilles is a classic inquiry into the nature of the State, its origin in war, and its drive for peace and legitimacy. Philip Bobbitt, a professor of constitutional law and a historian o...

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