
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "stanie seat", znaleziono 12


Movie Icons Connery

Stachu, jego kobiety i jego dzieci
Stachu, jego kobiety i jego dzieci
Krystyna Kolińska

Mała encyklopedia statyn
Mała encyklopedia statyn
Artur Mamcarz, Marcin Wełnicki
Seria: KardioPharm Biblioteka

Statyny są obecnie podstawą leczenia szeroko rozumianych schorzeń sercowo-naczyniowych. Ich pozycja jest konsekwencją wyników kolejnych badań, w których leki te dawały jednoznaczne korzyści kliniczne,...

Sean Connery: bohater bez skazy
Sean Connery: bohater bez skazy
Michael Feeney Callan

Sean Ellis: Kubrick the Dog
Sean Ellis: Kubrick the Dog
Ellis Sean

Kubrick, named after American film director Stanley K., was the mosthandsome, amiable, original, and talented dog of all time - at least in theeyes of his owner, British photographer and filmmaker Sea...

Senat Koronny : stan sejmujący w czasach Jana Kazimierza
Senat Koronny : stan sejmujący w czasach Jana Kazimierza
Janusz Dąbrowski

Dyskusja o miejscu i roli senatu w systemie politycznym dawnej Rzeczypospolitej prowadzona jest dopiero od niedawna i daleka od zakończenia. Bardziej zaawansowane są badania elit politycznych Korony1....

Introduction to Stata Programming
Introduction to Stata Programming
C. Baum

This work focuses on three types of Stata programming: do-file programming, ado-file programming, and Mata functions that work in conjunction with do- and ado-files. It explains how to usefully automa...

Stat USMLE Step 1 Essentials
Stat USMLE Step 1 Essentials

Two-column Q&A format allows students to rapidly assimilate information for the USMLE Step 1|Users can cover up answer column for self-quizzing|Includes mnemonics and ultra-high-yield facts|Compact si...

Stat USMLE Step 2 Essentials
Stat USMLE Step 2 Essentials
John H. Naheedy

Two-column Q&A format allows students to rapidly assimilate information for the USMLE Step 2|Users can cover up answer column for self-quizzing |Includes mnemonics and ultra-high-yield facts|Compact p...

Using Stata for Principles of Econometrics
Using Stata for Principles of Econometrics
Lee C. Adkins, R. Carter Hill

Undergraduate Econometrics" clearly shows readers why econometrics is necessary and provides them with the ability to utilize basic econometric tools. They'll learn how to apply these tools to estimat...

Conceptualising Community Theories of Sociality Beyond Stat
Conceptualising Community Theories of Sociality Beyond Stat
D. Studdert

Community is the dark shadow of sociology - an issue around which sociologists always duck and dive. This book examines the reasons for this reticence through an exegesis of contemporary debates. Addi...

Politics of Immigration in France Britan and the United Stat
Politics of Immigration in France Britan and the United Stat
M. Schain

This book argues that although labor market needs have been an important element in the development of immigration policy, they have been filtered through a political process: the politics of immigrat...

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