
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "stavros sobie", znaleziono 8

HPLC Made to Measure
HPLC Made to Measure
Stavros Kromidas

Alongside developing new ones, the optimization of existing methods is a key task in the HPLC laboratory. And a task that nowadays has to be solved increasingly fast and cost-efficiently. This handboo...

Ultrasonografia piersi
Ultrasonografia piersi
Thomas A. Stavros

Książka została napisana z myślą o radiologach, chirurgach piersi, patologach, lekarzach i technikach ultrasonografii oraz mammografii, którzy wykonują diagnostyczne badanie ultrasonograficzne piersi....

Handbook of Asset & Liability Management
Handbook of Asset & Liability Management
Stavros Zenios

The Handbooks in Finance are intended to be a definitive source for comprehensive and accessible information in the field of finance. Each individual volume in the series presents an accurate self-con...

Measurement in Fluid Mechanics
Measurement in Fluid Mechanics
Stavros Tavoularis

Measurement in Fluid Mechanics is an ideal reference and textbook in experimental fluid mechanics for anyone wishing to understand the properties of fluid-containing systems, to design improved system...

Economics&Social Sciences Boundaries Interaction&Integration
Economics&Social Sciences Boundaries Interaction&Integration
Stavros Ioannides

This volume is based on the premise that mainstream economics has become excessively specialized and formalized, entering a state of de facto withdrawal from the study of the economy in favour of exer...

Practical Financial Optimization
Practical Financial Optimization
Stavros Zenios

"Practical Financial Optimization" is a comprehensive guide to optimization techniques in financial decision making. This book illuminates the relationship between theory and practice, providing the r...

Breast Ultrasound
Breast Ultrasound
Stavros Zenios

This volume is a complete and definitive guide to performing and interpreting breast ultrasound examinations. The book explains every aspect of the examination in detail??from equipment selection and ...

Handbook of Asset and Liability Management
Handbook of Asset and Liability Management
Stavros A. Zenios, William T. Ziemba

The Handbooks in Finance are intended to be a definitive source for comprehensive and accessible information in the field of finance. Each individual volume in the series presents an accurate self-co...

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