XIII wiek. Półwysep Apeniński. Apogeum konfliktu cesarstwa z papiestwem. Mahometanie pustoszą kraj. Wielki, potężny i milczący młodzieniec. Uważany za głupka... dopóki nie otworzy ust. To geniusz. Poc...
Książka została napisana z myślą o radiologach, chirurgach piersi, patologach, lekarzach i technikach ultrasonografii oraz mammografii, którzy wykonują diagnostyczne badanie ultrasonograficzne piersi....
Praktyczny przewodnik po analizie transakcyjnej. Analiza transakcyjna jest koncepcją opartą na idei trzech stanów ego – Rodzic, Dorosły, Dziecko – stanowiących podstawę treści i jakości komunikacj...
This outstanding guide to spine surgery provides step-by-step instructions to nearly 60 different spinal procedures. Each chapter is written by top international experts who offer their clinical knowl...
Naszym celem przy pisaniu tej książki było stworzenie zwięzłego, prostego w przekazie i opartego na solidnych źródłach wiedzy podręcznika chemioterapii i bioterapii nowotworów oraz przedstawienie roli...
Napięcia więzadłowo-stawowe to książka, której celem jest umożliwienie praktykom i studentom osteopatii nauki technik manipulacyjnych wykorzystywanych do terapii różnych części ciała, opartych na prac...
'This is the biography we have been awaiting for 400 years' Hilary Mantel 'A masterpiece' Dan Jones, Sunday Times Thomas Cromwell is one of the most famous - or notorious - figures in English history....
The fourth edition of the practical guide to researching or tracing legal information, designed to help users find the material they need with the minimum of effort and to use it with confidence. It s...
This text offers a comprehensive yet concise review of physiology while discussing all of the relevant clinical information. The review chapters in the first section of the text are in a user-friendly...
The goal of the "Orthopaedic Basic Science: Foundations of Clinical Practice edition 3" is to be a useful, comprehensive, clinically relevant and accessible synthesis of the basic knowledge in orthopa...
The intricacies of the human nervous system are of great intellectual and practical interest and importance and are the subject of a large number of life sciences and medical school courses worldwide....
This book is designed to be the primary resource for clinicians and researchers looking for information on posterior segment imaging. The book summarizes and reviews imaging technologies which have em...
Use the proven format of the best-selling Secrets SeriesTM to prepare for the USMLE Step 1. Presented as questions and answers based on clinical vignettes, USMLE Step 1 Secrets will aid you in not onl...
Rather than an exhaustive review of all the pathologic conditions of the female breast, Breast Cancer and its Precursor Lesions focuses on the current knowledge, understanding and issues related to br...
Dioxins are the most potent, well known, and long lasting of the persistent organic pollutants (POPS), and are of great interest in public health, toxicology, chemistry, medicine, law, and to regulato...
The Chemical Components of Tobacco and Tobacco Smoke chronicles the extraordinary progress made by scientists in the field of tobacco science, from its beginnings in the early 1800s to the present. Th...
'This is an extremely well-researched and documented book. The authors' hypothesis is that the current water and wastewater sector is failing the populations of the western-world by clinging to orthod...
Bateman and Snell have consistently discussed and explained the traditional, functional approach to management through planning (delivering strategic value), organizing (building a dynamic organizatio...
Broadening its scope to nonstatisticians, Bayesian Methods for Data Analysis, Third Edition provides an accessible introduction to the foundations and applications of Bayesian analysis. Along with a c...
The Japanese capital markets were liberalized, decontrolled and increasingly opened to foreign participation in the 1970s. The fixed income market particularly expanded to finance the government fisca...
The ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine is the first ever cardiovascular textbook to be published in partnership with an international society and is set to become the new benchmark for cardiolog...