
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "z gor mega", znaleziono 118

Bad for me
Bad for me
Shanora Williams

Autorka bestsellerów „New York Timesa”, Shanora Williams, przybywa ze smakowicie grzesznym romansem przepełnionym zwrotami akcji, których nie da się przewidzieć… Po moim mieście krąży pewien mit. Mó...

Pray for Me
Pray for Me
Aleksandra Maras
Cykl: Pray, tom 2

Drugi tom trylogii „Pray” „W mieście, gdzie przekonania religijne kształtują życie wielu rodzin, skrywane są sekrety, których cienie zaciekle strzegą mrocznej prawdy o ich przeszłości”. Po pozn...

Smile for me • M.C
Smile for me • M.C

•Smile for me• gdzie Rebecca ma depresję, a Michael codziennie stara się wywołać u niej uśmiech Nieznany: chcę tylko jednego Nieznany: uśmiechnij się dla mnie, proszę

Fighting Hard For Me
Fighting Hard For Me
Bianca Iosivoni
Cykl: Finding Back to Us, tom 3

Nic nie może zniszczyć tej przyjaźni. Nic. A zwłaszcza jakieś niedorzeczne uczucie. Sophie nareszcie osiągnęła swój cel. Po ponad roku bycia nieszczęśliwie zakochaną wreszcie udało jej się wyrzucić...

Tools for Computational Finance 4e
Tools for Computational Finance 4e
Rudiger Seydel

This book is very easy to read and one can gain a quick snapshot of computational issues arising in financial mathematics. Researchers or students of the mathematical sciences with an interest in fina...

Japanese For Busy People 3 Text 3e
Japanese For Busy People 3 Text 3e

Building on the grammar and vocabulary presented in Volume II, Japanese for Busy People III will enable readers to initiate, sustain, and close most basic conversations. With numerous speaking, listen...

Japanese For Busy People 3 Workbook 3e
Japanese For Busy People 3 Workbook 3e

The Workbook for the Revised 3rd Edition of Japanese for Busy People III offers readers longer and more complex reading passages familiarize you with new vocabulary and the conventions used in Japanes...

Tensor Algebra and Tensor Analysis for Engineers 2e
Tensor Algebra and Tensor Analysis for Engineers 2e
M. Itskov

There is a large gap between the engineering course in tensor algebra on the one hand and the treatment of linear transformations within classical linear algebra on the other hand. The aim of this mod...

Deadly Class: Die for me
Deadly Class: Die for me
Rick Remender, Wesley Craig
Cykl: Deadly Class, tom 4

It's 1988 and Marcus Lopez's first year at Kings Dominion, the elite academy where damaged teenagers are forged into the world's deadliest assassins, is coming to a close, and the final exam is murde...

Fight For Me
Fight For Me
Bethany Bazile

I just needed someone to show me how to fight for me… When tragedy hits Alexis Cole is shattered. She carries the blame on her shoulders after losing a big piece of herself. When Ryder Hayes sweeps b...

Karen Rose

The terrifying sequel to Karen Rose's brilliant DIE FOR ME. DanielVartanian is trying to come to terms with a chilling discovery.Photographs taken, and kept hidden, by his brother years ago, show a gr...

Kill For Me
Kill For Me
Karen Rose

The terrifying sequel to DIE FOR ME and SCREAM FOR ME, this is Karen Rose's most frightening thriller to date. Susannah Vartanian's life changed overnight when as a teenager she was brutally raped by ...

Die for Me
Die for Me
Amy Plum
Cykl: Revenants, tom 1

Kiedy rodzice Kate Mercier umierają w tragicznym wypadku samochodowym, zostawia ona swoje życie – i wspomnienia – za sobą, żeby żyć z dziadkami w Paryżu. Dla Kate, jedynym sposobem na przetrwanie jej...

Take Me for Granted
Take Me for Granted
K.A. Linde
Cykl: Take Me, tom 1

Grant Manwhore. Adrenaline junkie. Lead singer of ContraBand. What you see is what you get. I make no apologies for my actions, and by now no one expects any from me. I live my life the way I want and...

All of Humanity is Yuri Except For Me
All of Humanity is Yuri Except For Me
Hiroki Haruse

This world somehow changed and isn't normal anymore... There's no boys to be found, and all the girls have become...

Designing for Interaction 2e
Designing for Interaction 2e
D. Saffer

Building products and services that people interact with is the big challenge of the 21st century. Dan Saffer has done an amazing job synthesizing the chaos into an understandable, ordered reference t...

I'll Be Hot for Christmas
I'll Be Hot for Christmas
Evangeline Anderson
Cykl: Assignment, tom 2

It’s a year after their assignment at the RamJack where they first confessed their feelings for each other and Valenti and O’Brian have been sharing an exclusive and white-hot relationship when Valent...

Goa TSK 2e
3 wydania
Goa TSK 2e

Laze on palm-fringed beaches, shop at famous markets, visit monumental Portuguese churches or seek out abundant birdlife - this book will guide you through eclectic Goa.more than 20 detailed maps and ...

I'll Be Gone in the Dark
I'll Be Gone in the Dark
Michelle McNamara


De-Stress for Exams
2 wydania
De-Stress for Exams
Stewart Ferris

You may have 101 textbooks about your chosen subject, but this is the only one youll ever need on how to de-stress for your exams. Coping with stress while taking exams can be more testing than the pa...

Finance for Executives 3e
Finance for Executives 3e
C. Viallet

This thorough and analytically sound introduction to financial management is designed especially for the experienced executive. Employing the appropriate level of both practicality and rigor for the e...

Histology for Pathologists 3e
Histology for Pathologists 3e
Stacey Mills

Now completely revised and updated, this ground-breaking text focuses on the borderland between histology and pathology. The text describes human histology and its variations, with emphasis on avoidin...

Photoshop for Video 3e
Photoshop for Video 3e
Richard Harrington

Lively discourse, full colour presentations, and hands-on tutorials demonstrate how to combine still and moving images. The complete range of Photoshop tools for video are covered. Fundamental concept...

Bioinformatics for Geneticists 2e
2 wydania
Bioinformatics for Geneticists 2e
Michael R. Barnes

A fully revised version of the successful First Edition, this one-stop reference book enables all geneticists to improve the efficiency of their research. The study of human genetics is moving into a ...

Java for Students 5e
Java for Students 5e
Douglas Bell

A gradual step-by-step approach to learning Java that concentrates on GUI programs and programs that display graphical output.The text takes a bottom-up approach, starting with the fundamentals of pro...

Economics for Business 4e
Economics for Business 4e
J. Sloman

Economics for Business, 4/eThe book covers all of the major principles of economics but its focus throughout is firmly on applying these economic principles to the real world of business.The 4th editi...

Economics for Managers 2e
Economics for Managers 2e
Paul G. Farnham

For one semester MBA Managerial Economics courses Economics for Managers presents the fundamental ideas of microeconomics and macroeconomics and integrates them from a managerial decision-making persp...

Struggle for Democracy 9e
Struggle for Democracy 9e
E. Greenberg

This critical thinking approach to American government challenges students to evaluate the quality of democracy in America today within a unique framework that offers a holistic view of our system. Th...

Timing for Animation 2e
Timing for Animation 2e
T. Sito

A classic of animation education since it first published in 1981. Copies of Timing for Animation have been sitting dog-eared and spine-split on desks and workstations around the world, wherever anima...

Rheology for Chemists 2e
Rheology for Chemists 2e
J. Goodwin

Rheology is primarily concerned with materials: scientific, engineering and everyday products whose mechanical behaviour cannot be described using classical theories. From biological to geological sys...

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