Od pierwszej chwili Crystal widziała, że Gabriel tu nie pasuje. Dobrze znała bywalców nocnego klubu. To miejsce było jej domem. Tańczyła, czarując mężczyzn, i… nie czuła kompletnie niczego. Opanowała...
Miłość ma wiele twarzy, otwórz się na jej głos i odkryj je wszystkie Ambitna i pracowita Zuza zdobywa wymarzoną posadę korektorki w prestiżowym poznańskim wydawnictwie. Po trudnych doświadczeniach ż...
As a center of food production with space to dine and entertain, and a natural gathering place, the kitchen is truly the heart of the home. It must be attractive and comfortable, but also convenient a...
Książka opisująca poglądy stu najbardziej znaczących filozofów, między innymi: Konfucjusz, Arystoteles, Kant, Hegel, René Descartes.
Working from home is becoming an increasingly popular option for many people, but whether your needs are for a fully equipped office or simply a quiet corner in which to deal with paperwork or pursue ...
On October 9, 1986, the final curtain came down on the opening night performance of Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera. The audience responded with a stunning 10-minute ovation. Clearly, ...
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has had a rapid impact on the library world. Its advantage over other technologies used in libraries is usually seen to be its ability to combine the functions of...
While each research situation is different and no book can fully prepare the researcher for what they experience - this book provides a guide to what may be expected. Brian Roberts takes the researche...
On 24 February 1994, the police turned up at 25 Cromwell Street, an ordinary three-story house in central Gloucester, with a warrant to dig up the back garden. The door was answered by Stephen West, t...
Motley Crue was the voice of a barely pubescent Generation X, the anointed high priests of the power ballad, and the pioneers of Hollywood glam. Their sex lives claimed celebrities like Heather Lockle...
A celebration of the universal language of romance through the ages, Love Letters embraces a selection of the most famous poetry and prose of all time from some of the worlds best known paramours, inc...
A collection of the inadvertent gems from children. With this book you can forget the constraints of the English language listen to your youngers - how else would you find out that when hot steam touc...
"Buffett has generously endowed us all with a sensible and intelligent roadmap for investing. " Robert G Hagstrom "Warren Buffett - The Oracle of Everything. He has been right about the stock market,...